Ashley Quote #96

Quote from Ashley in Stop Will! In The Name of Love

Ashley: [sings] Hey, what you want Baby, I got it What you need Do you know I got it? All I'm askin' Is for a little respect when you come home Hey daddy When I home Oh, yeah I ain't gonna do you wrong while I'm gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong 'cause I don't wanna All I'm askin' Is for a little respect when I get home Oh, daddy
When I get home Yeah I'm about to give you all of my money And all I'm askin' in return, honey Is daddy give me my profits When I get home Oh, now When I get home All right R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me R-E-S-P-E-C-T Why can't you just trust me?
Carlton: Sock it to me, sock it to me Sock it to me, sock it to me
Ashley: A little respect


 ‘Stop Will! In The Name of Love’ Quotes

Quote from Will

Will: Uncle Phil, check it out. There's been a slight change of plans. Ashley is gonna double with me and my girl.
Philip: Oh, no. I'm not gonna have my daughter involved in one of your wild evenings.
Will: We playing miniature golf. That'll be cool unless the church group shut that place down, you know?
Philip: And afterwards?
Will: Well, I was thinking we'd run some guns to Nicaragua, but we'll probably just come home.
Philip: All right, Will. She's in your hands. But if anything happens to her, those hands will be without fingers.
Will: Yes, sir. Lose my fingers, sir.

Quote from Will

Ashley: Why does everyone treat me like I'm some defenseless little girl?
Will: Because you are, Ashley. I mean, boys is just gonna try to take advantage of you.
Ashley: That's my problem. Not yours or my father's. And you know what? I can handle it.
Will: Oh, yeah, right, like you can handle some big old dude trying to be all over you like cheese on a Big Mac.
Ashley: Will, maybe I like cheese.
Will: How you gonna like something you ain't never had? Please tell me you ain't never had no cheese, Ashley.
Ashley: No, but if I wanna have sex, I do not need your approval.
Will: It's cheese, Ashley.

Quote from Philip

Philip: So who are we dating?
Ashley: Daddy, please. This is not going to help my reputation.
Philip: What's wrong with your reputation?
Ashley: You are. You gave every date I had the third degree. Boys will not even come near me at school without having a lawyer present.
Philip: Yes!