Kelso Quote #403

Quote from Kelso in Everybody Loves Casey

Eric: Casey and Donna, man. Hey, remember when we were 12? We didn't even like girls yet.
Kelso: I liked girls when I was 12.
Eric: Yeah, I was happy to stay at home Friday night in my underwear just tossing a football to myself.
Kelso: Yeah, never did that either.
Eric: Well, at least I gave it my best shot, right? If Donna loves Casey and not me, then... I mean, I guess it's over.
Kelso: Wha- Forman, you can't give up. Okay, look. Who knows what's gonna happen with me and Jackie. But what you and Donna had? That was, like, real. And I'm telling you, as his brother... Look, Casey is bad news. He's either gonna get bored and split, or something worse is gonna happen. So, you gotta do something.
Eric: Hey, since when did you get all serious?
Kelso: Been reading Cosmo. It's very educational. Yeah. I never realized how much plumbing girls had down there. Like, there's this diagram, and it's like a map of Six Flags.


 ‘Everybody Loves Casey’ Quotes

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: Oh, guess what, boys. [chuckles] I entered the big wiener contest at the Piggly Wiggly. And I won a year's supply of all-beef hot dogs. [laughs] I'm a wiener winner! [laughs] Well, anyway, we're having a barbecue.
Red: No, Kitty! I thought we were going to talk about that.
Kitty: Mm-hmm. Oh, and I saw Donna at the grocery store and she said she's bringing her friend Casey.
Eric: What? No. I hate Casey. He's Donna's new boyfriend. Y- You have to uninvite him. Dad, tell her.
Red: Kitty, you've done a horrible thing. It could scar the boy for life. Now, let's do the right thing and cancel that barbecue.
Kitty: No. We're having it, and it'll be fun. And we just- We won't give Casey any relish.
Hyde: All right! Once Casey finds out he's not getting any relish, he'll dump Donna for sure. [chuckles] You are so screwed.

Quote from Fez

Fez: So your mom invited Casey over for hot dogs? Well, that's a plump, juicy all-beef burn.

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Ah, it's just typical women stuff. Like Jackie kissing that guy. [Hyde punches Kelso's arm] Ow! Hyde!
Hyde: Yeah. Okay? I've decided if anyone brings up any more stupid girl stuff I'm gonna throw something at 'em. This time, I threw a fist.
Kelso: I'm sorry. It's just everything reminds me. Like, last night Rocky was on and I was thinking I'm like Rocky and Jackie is Apollo Creed. And she bashed in my face by kissing that guy! At least Rocky wins in the end.
Hyde: Kelso, Rocky loses.
Kelso: Oh, yeah? Well, why is he jumping around all happy?
Fez: Because he goes the distance, fool.
Eric: He loses the fight, but he wins in life.
Kelso: Who wants to watch a movie with a message like that? Ice-cream man! [runs out]