Donna Quote #59

Quote from Donna in The First Time

Bob: First of all, Midge and I would like to thank everyone for coming. It really means a lot to us. The vows we're exchanging were written by our daughter Donna, whom we love very much. "Midgie, I consider it a privilege to be your husband." Donna, I actually feel that way.
Midge: "Bob, I'm proud and very grateful to be your wife."
Bob: "We've known each other since we were practically kids..."
[The camera focuses on Donna and Eric looking at each other]
Midge: "So we know all the good stuff..."
Bob: "And all the not-so-good stuff about each other."
Midge: "I can't imagine feeling about anyone else the way I feel about you."
Bob: "Because I love you. I always loved you, and I want to make you a promise."
Midge: "No matter what happens..."
Bob: "Good or bad..."
Midge: "I will always love you."


 ‘The First Time’ Quotes

Quote from Leo

Leo: Hey, I'm Leo, and I'm also a Leo. Think about it.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Okay. Here we go. Right hand, blue.
Eric: Fez, you can't play Twister by yourself.
Fez: That's where you are wrong, my friend. Right leg, green. Oh, that's gonna be tough.
Hyde: Hey, Fez, man, the circus called. They said they'll pay you 50 bucks a week if you can kiss your own ass.
Fez: Take a message.
Donna: [enters] I have the greatest news in the world. How the hell are you doing that?
Fez: I'm double-jointed.

Quote from Jackie

Kelso: Jackie, this is for you.
Jackie: Oh, my God. Pink and purple with a unicorn. You remembered!
Kelso: Of course I remember. I remember everything you tell me, even when you think I don't.
Jackie: Really? What's my favorite season?
Kelso: Fall?
Jackie: Why?
Kelso: Uh, the outfits flatter your chestnut eyes.
Jackie: And?
Kelso: Slimming lines and dark colors.
Jackie: Oh, my God, Michael! When you started acting like an immature jerk, I started having doubts about us, but now this purple and pink unicorn candy dish proves you're a grown-up. Oh!