Midge Quote #29

Quote from Midge in The Velvet Rope

Donna: Oh, oh, you know what? I'll tell you a crazy story. It all started, like, four minutes ago...
[flashback to Midge and Bob doing yoga as Donna returns home:]
Midge & Bob: Omm...
Donna: Oh, good God. What are you guys doing now?
Midge: Yoga. I'm trying to align your father's chakras.
Bob: I didn't even know the damn things were out of whack.
Donna: Why can't you guys be normal?
Midge: Donna, your negativity is bruising our auras. Please leave.
Donna: Gladly.
Bob: Oh, and honey, we're also exploring tantric sex. So, if you hear any strange noises coming from Mommy and Daddy's bedroom...
Donna: Ew! Why must you guys freak me out on a daily basis? I don't want to picture you naked, and I'm leaving now. Forever.
Midge & Bob: Omm...


 ‘The Velvet Rope’ Quotes

Quote from Fez

Fez: People are so friendly around here. Two women on the corner just offered to have sex with me.
Hyde: Yeah, for money, Fez.
Fez: I could not ask them for money. Or could I?

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Oh! No, no, I know. There's this new club that opened in Chicago. It's supposed to be like, like, the hottest spot this side of Studio 54.
Donna: My God, you guys, that's perfect.
Jackie: No, no, Michael, we can't go. My parents are gonna be out late tonight, and... We have to study.
Kelso: Study? Aw, what a gyp. I'm going to the club.
Jackie: No. No, no, Michael, you're coming over to my house tonight and we're gonna... "Study."
Kelso: Fine. I never get to do anything fun.
Hyde: My, God, you're dumb.
Kelso: I guess that's why I've gotta go study.

Quote from Red

Kitty: Honey, now I know, I know you've been just a little bit blue since the plant closed, so... I got you a present. Ta-da!
Red: You're Hired. "The essential guide for job hunting." Kitty... I don't need that. I've been working since I was 16. I fought in two wars. Hell, I killed people. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy it.
Kitty: No, no, no, no. I just, you know, I just thought I'd give you a little edge.
Red: I don't need an edge. I'm Red Forman. I'm experienced, loyal, hard-working.
Laurie: That's the trifecta of employability.
Red: Well, thanks, sweetie.