Red Quote #81

Quote from Red in Punk Chick

Red: Kelso! You have 10 seconds to tell me what you're doing.
Kelso: I can explain-
Red: Nine seconds!
Kelso: See-
Red: Eight!
Kelso: Okay, but this counting-
Red: Three.
Kelso: What? No, there's no way that was five seconds.
Red: It is now. Three!
Kelso: I just wanted-
Red: Two.
Kelso: Smaller paddles.
Red: Time!
Kelso: Don't hurt me!


 ‘Punk Chick’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Red: We don't think that you should go.
Kitty: New York is a dangerous place.
Red: A young man today needs a high school diploma.
Kitty: In New York, you get mugged for no good reason.
Red: Do you have any idea what the job market is like?
Kitty: The people are rude. And you have feelings.
Red: Without that sheepskin, you are nothing. And not the kind of nothing that you are now. An even lower, more pathetic nothing.
Kitty: They spit. That's right, they spit!
Red: What are you gonna put on your resume? "Dumbass"?
Hyde: I'm not afraid of anything, and I'm going.
Red: Well, that didn't go that great. Way to go, Kitty.

Quote from Red

Red: It worked!
Kelso: Smaller paddles!
Red: Congratulations, son. You have seen the future.
Kelso: Yeah. You're so right, Red. Home computers. That is the future.
Red: No, no, no. Not computers. Soldering. The future is soldering. [scoffs] Computers.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Hmm. Where should the three of us go on our drive?
Eric: Actually, Fez, just Donna and I are gonna...
Fez: Oh, I see. So, you are going to ditch me. Just like Hyde. Every day, I am here with my heart on my sleeve hoping only for friendship and acceptance. And what do I get? Abandonment. Loneliness. When is it Fez's turn? Where is my whore? [Hyde enters with a confident stride] Damn you, Hyde. Did you go horseback riding without me?