Fez Quote #705

Quote from Fez in Let's Spend the Night Together

Kelso: [answers phone] Brooke, did you have the baby yet?
Fez: [imitates baby crying]
Kelso: Fez?
Fez: No, this is your baby. And I'm really ugly.
Kelso: Okay, I know this is a prank, 'cause there's no way my baby would be ugly. [hangs up] [answers phone] Hello?
Fez: Yes, is your refrigerator running? Because if it is, you better go catch it. Burn!
Kelso: Stop calling me! [hangs up]


Features in the collection: Kelso: Burn!.

‘Kelso: Burn!’

Quote from Red in The Battle of Evermore

Red: So, I guess this is the way an immature, engaged, high school dumbass with no car, no job and no money trims the hedges.
Hyde: That was like eight burns in one sentence.
Donna: An octo-burn. Let's get the hell out of here.

Quote from Kelso in What is and What Should Never Be

Fez: Ah, we've been here for, like, an hour. We've only moved, like, two feet.
Kelso: You think the lines at the D.M.V. are long? You should see the free clinic. Now, there's a wait.
Hyde: Man, you've been to the free clinic?
Kelso: No. Oh, but I did see your mom there. Burn! [Hyde punches Kelso's arm] [chuckles] That's gonna leave a mark. Just like your mom did! [laughs]

 ‘Let's Spend the Night Together’ Quotes

Quote from Kitty

Kitty: Okay, well, nobody's talking about the elephant in the room, so I'll do it. You're Black.
Eric: Mom! Okay, please, Mr. Barnett, we're very open-minded.
Kitty: Oh! Oh, no, he's right. I, myself, love that singer Art Garfunkel.
Hyde: Art Garfunkel's white.
Kitty: Really? Well, his name's got the "funk" in it, so I... Oh, wait, wait, wait. Red, who's that Black person I like?
Red: Martin Luther King?
Kitty: Yes!

Quote from Hyde

William Barnett: I own a chain of record stores.
Hyde: Record stores. That's cool, huh?
William Barnett: Yeah.
Hyde: I was afraid you were gonna be a cop or something.
William Barnett: I don't like cops.
Hyde: I don't like cops, either. Hey, who do you think shot JFK?
William Barnett: I don't know, because they don't want me to know.
Hyde: Check it out, man. I'm a chip off the old block.

Quote from Hyde

William Barnett: Hi, is this the Formans'?
Kitty: You know, I'm sorry, I told your friend last week, we don't want a subscription to Ebony magazine.
William Barnett: No, no, no, no. We spoke over the phone. I'm William Barnett. I'm Steven's father.
Kitty: Oh! I mean, come in, come in. Everybody, I want you to meet Steven's father. Steven, look.
Hyde: I'm looking.
William Barnett: It's good to meet you, Son. I've really been looking forward to this. I wanted to get you a card, but they don't have one for our unique situation. So, here. Happy First Communion.
Jackie: Wow. You came from him?
Eric: Yeah, I'm not sure I see the resemblance.
Hyde: What are you talking about? My 'fro, my coolness, my suspicion of the Man. This explains so much.