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Love of My Life

‘Love of My Life’

Season 8, Episode 21 - Aired May 18, 2006

Fez is down in the dumps since Jackie rejected him so his childhood friend, Andrew Davis (Justin Long), visits to cheer him up. Meanwhile Red and Kitty have a tough time showing people around the house when they put it up for sale.

Quote from Hyde

Hyde: Holy crap, man!
Donna: What?
Hyde: Listen to this letter from my dad. "Dear valued Grooves employee, your services are no longer required. I've sold the chain of stores to a dry-cleaning corporation for, frankly, a butt load of money. You should see the check, whooee! I thank you for your years of dedicated service. As of Friday, you're trespassing." Can you believe this, man? I'm out of a job.
Donna: Well, how do you think Leo feels? Well, probably how he always feels. Stoned.


Quote from Donna

Donna: Randy, what are you doing here?
Randy: Your dad invited me over.
Bob: I figured if you two talked, maybe you'd get back together. I mean, it didn't work for your mom and me but that was mostly because of sleeping with strangers.
Donna: Oh, so all of a sudden Aunt Jenny is a stranger?

Quote from Jackie

Andrew Davis: Oh, it's you. I'm here to get some things belonging to the man whose heart you broke. Because he's packing and leaving. Now, who is this Kitty and where is her underwear?
Jackie: Wait, um, Fez is leaving?
Andrew Davis: Hmm.
Jackie: Why?
Andrew Davis: Oh, because of you. He is in bad shape, Jackie.
Jackie: What? He hurt me first!
Andrew Davis: Do you know what he told me? He said that if he could go back in time and take back five words, those words would be, "Now you're ugly on the outside, just like you are on the inside."
Jackie: That's more than five words.
Andrew Davis: All his words run together, he doesn't know. So I said to him, "Why would you want to take those words back?" He said to me, so he wouldn't have to go through life knowing he'd hurt the woman he loved.
Jackie: Oh.
Andrew Davis: And you broke his heart. You disgust me! I frankly don't understand why any man would ever want to be with you! So, want to make out?

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