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Video Game Release

‘Video Game Release’

Season 3, Episode 13 - Aired March 1, 2018

As a horde of gamers descend on the store for the release of Barbarians' Gate 3, Amy and Jonah go on an adventure to grab a copy of the much-anticipated game. Meanwhile, Glenn and Sandra try to be more assertive.

Quote from Marcus

Glenn: Okay, these are all good points, but I think that maybe we need a woman's perspective.
Sandra: Well, I think, historically...
Marcus: I think a woman would say she's just happy to be a part of the conversation.


Quote from Glenn

Dina: Barbarian's Gate 3 is being released today, so I need everybody on their A-game, as this store is going to be packed with video game nerds. And we don't want to risk a trampling.
Mateo: Well, we're never going to totally prevent tramplings.
Glenn: Oh, no, obviously we're never going to have zero tramplings, but we can have fewer tramplings.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Um, can I set one of the video games aside before we sell out?
Dina: Amy, employees can't reserve merchandise, you know this.
Jonah: You're into video games?
Amy: After a long day of work, it's nice to have a glass of wine and reach into a stable boy's chest and pull out his still-beating heart.
Garrett: Feed the birds.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Oh, come on, three of them? That's not fair. They're going to sell out before my shift is over.
Jonah: Why don't you just sneak one out of the cage and put it aside for later?
Amy: No, it's fine. I guess I'll just wait until we get another restock.
Jonah: Oh, but you shouldn't have to. You des...
Amy: Don't say "you deserve this."
Jonah: I wasn't going to say that.
Amy: What were you going to say?
Jonah: You... deserve this.
Amy: Okay, you're right, I do deserve this. I deserve to disembowel warlocks.
Jonah: Yes, you... do.
Amy: Then let's do this.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: Hey, how you doing, Mr. Evans?
Erick Evans: Good to meet you.
Garrett: Nice to meet you. I'm a huge fan of your voiceover work. In fact, my text alert is you from Alpha Strike saying "Decapitation bonus!"
Erick Evans: [deep voice] Decapitation bonus!
Garrett: [laughs] That is awesome!
Erick Evans: Thanks.
Garrett: Yeah, cool, well, hey. That's all I wanted to say. You know, I just think you're great, and you know, you mean the world to me.
Erick Evans: Okay.
Garrett: That's... that sounded weird. I mean, not the world, but a lot, you know? You, you mean a lot to me. Oh, my mouth, my mouth is so dry. [Erick laughs] Yeah, yeah, I can taste it.

Quote from Sandra

Sandra: If we could just, like, move, and make a line to the side. And then people could pass on this side. And if we then... if we could all go this way.
Dina: Sandra, we need this area clear. This is a fire hazard.
Sandra: I know. I told them and they told me that my butt's a fire hazard. I'm trying to think of a comeback.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Wait, what's that back there? Is that a door?
Amy: Um, maybe. It kind of just looks like a closet.
Jonah: Or it's another way into the cage. Like an access tunnel.
Amy: You know, Glenn does still have the plans from the renovation. We could break into his office, steal the blueprints, and navigate our way around the...
Jonah: Okay, you don't have to mock me.
Amy: We crawl through the tunnel and then we jimmy the door...
Jonah: I was only trying to help...
Amy: I'm agreeing with you!
Jonah: Oh. Cool, all right. Well, uh, let's do this, then. It'll be like a little adventure.
Amy: Yeah, it's going to be the adventure of a lifetime.
Jonah: Was that...
Amy: Sarcasm.
Jonah: Definitely.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Okay, so it seems like there's another access point on this floor right around... uh, this office.
Amy: Really, where?
Jonah: According to this, it's right there.
Amy: Well, there's clearly nothing there.
Jonah: To the naked eye. There might be a false wall, you know? The thing about drywall is, you have to listen to it. Because it sings a song.
Amy: Oh.
Jonah: It lets you know where you need to go.
Amy: Uh-huh.
Jonah: What I'm trying to do right now is find a hollow spot, okay? They're pretty much all hollow spots.
Amy: Maybe this is it?
Jonah: Oh.
Amy: I'm just guessing.
Jonah: I see what I did there. I confused the title block and the revision block.
Amy: Totally, yeah, that happens all the time.

Quote from Mateo

Garrett: Do you have any idea who you were just talking to?
Mateo: Who, that guy?
Garrett: Yeah, that's Erick Evans. He's been nominated for like, five DICE awards.
Mateo: Okay.
Garrett: He's a legend. That's like if you met J. Lo.
Mateo: Oh, what, just because I'm gay, I like J. Lo? I mean, I do, she's flawless. But expand your mind.

Quote from Mateo

Garrett: What did you guys talk about?
Mateo: I don't know, just small talk.
Garrett: Tell me everything he said.
Mateo: Fine, ugh. He was like, "There's so much traffic on Delmar this morning." And I was like, "You're right, Delmar was bumper to bumper."
Garrett: Forget it.
Mateo: No, no, wait. I haven't gotten to the juicy part yet. So, apparently, he doesn't think his Taurus has enough power.
Garrett: Yeah, whatever, dude.

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