Glenn Quote #563

Quote from Glenn in Trick-or-Treat

Glenn: Aww, I left my cell phone in the garden center.
Garrett: Well, I'm just spitballing here, but maybe you could just go in and get it?
Glenn: Yeah. Haunted houses are a little loaded for me. When I was a kid, my dad took me to Skele-Tony's Spook Shack, and I accidentally let go of his hand and I couldn't find my way out for 45 minutes. I ended up eating the spaghetti brains and grape eyeballs just to survive.
Garrett: So because of that traumatic snack, you're too scared to go into the garden center that we saw Elias decorate with crepe paper?
Glenn: No, no. That'd be silly. Of course I can go in there.
Garrett: Mm-hmm.
Glenn: But you know what'd be easier? I can check my voicemail remotely. Go into the store, use the phone, dial nine for an outside line, call my cell phone, press star, and then enter my password. Easy peasy.


 ‘Trick-or-Treat’ Quotes

Quote from Marcus

Marcus: Sorry I'm late. Sorry.
All: Wow.
Marcus: Hard to get in my car in this thing, but guess who's winning our costume contest?
Amy: Oh, by the way, there will be no costume contest this year.
Marcus: What?
Amy: Corporate didn't want to approve another racial sensitivity training.
Marcus: Tita Irma spent an hour this morning sewing me into this.
Garrett: You're sewed into that? How are you gonna use the bathroom?
Marcus: There's actually a lot of padding in here, so... [all murmur in disgust]

Quote from Jonah

Amy: Glenn and Garrett, you two are gonna be managing the haunted house in the garden center.
Garrett: Aww, man, then I won't get to hear Jonah lecture us on whatever dumb metaphor his costume's supposed to be.
Jonah: Uh, actually, I got tired of explaining my costume every year, so this year, I'm just gonna be a good old-fashioned cowboy.
Glenn: We get it. You're herding us to the polls because no one here votes.
Jonah: No, really, I'm...
Dina: Don't be stupid. He's obviously toxic American masculinity.
Jonah: Actually, I... I like that better. I'm switching to that.

Quote from Sayid

Jonah: Point is, we almost have enough cards signed to unionize. This is great, guys. We're gonna be a union. [all cheer]
Amy: [enters] Ooh, this sounds fun. Did Sayid reach a new level of Pokémon?
Sayid: My girlfriend made me quit.