Garrett Quote #5

Quote from Garrett in Pilot

Garrett: [over PA] Attention, shoppers. Even a big box store has to close, and it's about that time. You know, when Pandora closed her famous box, there was only one thing left inside: hope. I wonder what will be left inside of this box. Could it be grace? I hope not. If you're Grace's parents, please pick her up at customer service.


 ‘Pilot’ Quotes

Quote from Dina

Dina: Just checking over your new hire forms. American citizen. Nice. [chuckles] No dependents. Me neither, unless you count my birds. [both laugh] It just doesn't say anywhere on here if you've got a girlfriend.
Jonah: I didn't... is there a space for that?
Dina: There's this section here: "Is there anything else we should know?" Some people like to volunteer it.
Jonah: Oh. Um... then also no.
Dina: No.
Jonah: No.
Dina: Okay, well, I will just jot that down, then. But you are heterosexual, right?
Jonah: Is... are you allowed to ask that?
Dina: No. Smart.

Quote from Dina

Dina: All right, campers, listen up. I've got an important announcement. This is your garden variety generic decongestant. And this is crystal meth, okay? The tweakers use this to make this. So stop selling them this, so they can't make this.
Cheyenne: That guy told me he had a really bad cold.
Dina: He was buying 35 boxes, Cheyenne. That should have been a red flag, okay? Use your noggin.
Glenn: Let's thank Dina for that helpful tip of the day. Thank you, Dina.
Garrett: Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that she walking around with a bag of crystal meth?

Quote from Amy

Jonah: Hey, listen. I... I think there might have been a misunderstanding. I'm not an elitist, so...
Amy: Oh, elitist? What is that?
Jonah: Like, a person who thinks their better than... You know what elitist means.
Amy: Oh, yeah. They learnt that to us in public school.