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Local Vendors Day

‘Local Vendors Day’

Season 3, Episode 18 - Aired April 5, 2018

When local vendors set up stalls at the Cloud 9 store, Jonah feels Glenn is pressuring his employees to buy Jerusha's needlepoint. Meanwhile, Garrett suspects a woman is selling Bud Light as a craft beer, and Alex jokingly questions Amy's Latina credentials.

Quote from Glenn

Garrett: Glenn, are you gonna tell your wife that you're flirting with one of the vendors?
Glenn: Oh, I don't think she'll mind.
Garrett: Oh, so you guys have an open marriage.
Glenn: What's that?
Amy: It means you're allowed to have sex with people who aren't your spouse.
Jerusha: It's like the Walkers.
Glenn: Oh. Oh, oh, God, no!
Cheyenne: Then why are you trying to get at the vendor lady?
Mateo: Are you cheating on Jerusha?
Dina: You know what? I'm gonna call her.
Glenn: No, don't call her. [Jerusha's phone rings]
Amy: She deserves to know.
Glenn: Don't answer that!


Quote from Dina

Jerusha: Dina, hey. I made something for you. Just as, you know, a little thank-you for, you know, the gift that you're giving to Glenn and me.
Dina: Wow.
Jerusha: It's a stork. 'Cause you're bringing us a baby.
Dina: Gosh, what intricate work.
Jerusha: Yeah, it took me over 30 hours.
Dina: Amazing. Yeah. You know what? I actually can't accept this. No offense, but it just really freaks me out. And I do not want this in my home. Or, to be honest, on the planet. Thanks.
Jerusha: Oh, okay.

Quote from Glenn

Sandra: Ever since the storm, he's become the most amazing hider. Sometimes I can't find him for days.
Jonah: That's great.
Glenn: Hey, were you guys talking about Jerry?
Sandra: Yeah, this weekend, we're taking the rails off the toilet.
Glenn: Yeah, hey, you know what'd be really good for his recovery? A nice cozy scarf from Jerusha's booth. Better get over there fast, you know, before she sells out. [nobody moves]
Jonah: Oh, did... did you want us to go right now?
Glenn: Whoa, someone's excited. Yeah, go ahead. [points to Jerusha's stall]
Sandra: But, uh... [Glenn points again] Uh, yep. Okay, let's go.
Glenn: Whoa, I am jealous of you.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: I like the label. It's very, uh, artisanal.
Jess: Thanks, yeah. Would you like a taste?
Garrett: All right, cheers.
Jess: Cheers.
Garrett: [drinks] Mmm, it, uh... Wow, it tastes like Bud Light.
Jess: You're funny.
Garrett: Well, yeah, I mean, I'm definitely a little bit of a crack-up but, this is Bud Light, right?
Jess: No. I guess if you're not used to drinking craft beer, it might take a little time for your palate to adjust.
Garrett: Or it might be Bud Light. [chuckles]

Quote from Amy

Amy: Did you design this? This is very impressive.
Alex: It came to me in a dream. A really boring dream. And it is taking forever.
Amy: Well, you know, if you get hungry, I highly recommend the mini burritos. I've had, like... like, one.
Alex: I don't know, there's something lame about a burnout white dude making money off Mexican food.
Amy: Yeah, but in fairness to Burrito Brian, I don't think he's making any money. And I'm pretty sure he sleeps in his van. And he did spend some time in Costa Rica.
Alex: Burritos aren't from Costa Rica.
Amy: Yeah, no, I know. Obviously. They're from other places.
Alex: Be careful. I'm gonna have to take away your Latina card.
Amy: [giggles] Yeah, my Latina card. Here you go. Take it. No, um, that's a picture of a kid. I found this on the sidewalk and I felt really weird about throwing it away.

Quote from Mateo

Amy: If you were to describe me... you know, like, "Amy is the blank one," what would you say?
Cheyenne: Amy is the bossy one.
Dina: Oh, Amy's the divorced one.
Mateo: Amy's the mad one. The loud one. Ooh, the sad one.
Cheyenne: Oh, I could see that.
Amy: No, something more obvious. Like... like about my identity. Like, what am I?
Dina: Oh, the short one.
Cheyenne: The older one.
Mateo: Mmm, Amy's the Miranda one.

Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: Guys, I'm the Latina one.
Dina: Uh...
Cheyenne: Sort of.
Mateo: I mean, I guess technically.
Amy: What do you mean? I am Latina. That's a fact.
Mateo: I mean, you don't even like spicy food, so...
Cheyenne: Yeah, and you're not that good of a dancer. Not that all Latinos are good dancers, but it definitely feels like you're one level below wherever you should be.

Quote from Sandra

Glenn: None of you feel pressured to buy Jerusha's needlepoint, right?
Sandra: Actually, it did feel like we kind of had to buy something.
Glenn: Had to because of me? Or had to because you appreciate quality?
Sandra: You? But maybe quality. I don't know.

Quote from Amy

Dina: So you agreed to something, and you have no idea what it was?
Amy: It sounded like "mana sola rar"... "mana sola ray."
Mateo: Bensoso?
Dina: Mañana.
Mateo: Mantilla.
Dina: Mango?
Mateo: Manaquina.
Dina: Manila?
Amy: No, you're not listening. [all speaking at once] Okay, stop, stop, stop! It's not helping.
Sandra: Don't you speak Spanish?
Amy: Um, yeah. Some. But he was talking so fast. And plus he's got that Dominican accent, so he was, like, dropping S's and, like, moving L's to R's. And it was a mess.

Quote from Dina

Dina: Cheyenne, look up the Spanish term for, "Would you like to have sex in the butt?"
Amy: What? Why?
Dina: Because that may be what you agreed to.

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