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Season 6, Episode 6 - Aired January 21, 2021

When Glenn returns to work after his quarantine, he feels Dina is stepping on his toes as the store manager. Meanwhile, Sandra tries to raise money for her cat's operation.

Quote from Sandra

Mateo: You guys are probably wondering what happened to all that money y'all donated.
Jonah: What? No. We would... No, that did not even cross our minds.
Mateo: Forgot if I even put in any.
Sandra: I don't remember if...
Mateo: I did. I definitely chipped in. I did.
Sandra: [laughs] Well, don't worry. The money went to a good place. [lifts up necklace] It's Biscuit.
Mateo: Uh, what?
Sandra: The vet's office recommended this thing called eternalizing where they take your pet's remains, and they turn it into a diamond. Now she'll be with me forever. Isn't that amazing?
Jonah: Wow, look what you did there. That's... That is just... Wow.


Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Look, guys, maybe we should just cut Sandra a little slack. You know, she's grieving.
Ken: I'm grieving the $4 I kicked in.
Jonah: You only gave four?
Ken: I gave two $2 bills, man. That's a big deal.

Quote from Garrett

Woman: [on phone] You've made a wise choice. Ojai Medical is the ultimate source for all your medical needs.
Garrett: Well, I don't really have a medical need. I'm just retail worker who's trying to return a dialysis machine. The OM OptiFlow 800.
Woman: Sure. The OptiFlow is a revolution in the world of hemodialysis. With integrated bolus tracking, it's never easier...
Garrett: Hey, no, no, no. Look. I don't care how it works or what kind of tracking it has.
Bruce: Integrated bolus tracking.
Garrett: Right. I don't care. I just need the product number so I can get on with my life. [to another customer] What? Are you seriously trying to return that right now?
Woman: Yeah, I bought it at DCI Marine, but the website said I could return it here.
Bruce: Hope you're not in a hurry. [whispers] I think he's new.
Garrett: Come on.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: Well, took me a while to figure out how to square the interfaces and set up a proxy server, but we are all set, and you guys can get back to your very specific lives.
Bruce: This says it's a return for 305 bunches of green grapes.
Woman: Yeah, mine says it's for grapes too. This isn't fraud, is it? 'Cause my probation doesn't give me a lot of wiggle room.
Garrett: Oh... Yeah, you know what? I wouldn't worry about it. That's just internal tech jargon, you know? SMIs and SKU readouts, grapes, reverse grapes. Those are the ones that'll really give you trouble.

Quote from Jonah

Sandra: Ah!
Jonah: Hey, hey!
Mateo: Our diamond! Biscuit!
Jonah: They probably put very little Biscuit in there anyway.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy. Oh, they are gonna fire me.
Dina: [sighs] In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have helped steal that minifridge. Or the washer/dryer combo. The second minifridge.
Glenn: Oh, God, I could go to jail for this! And then my cellmate is gonna ask to borrow my comb, and I won't be able to say no.
Dina: Take a breath, man. You're not getting fired. Okay? I'll amortize the shrink over the next year and borrow overstock from the Quincy branch. The manager and I follow the same Korean softball league.
Glenn: Wow, okay. What if the ruffians come back?
Dina: Not to worry, I've been texting with Titus, and he's handling it on the street. That kid would literally do anything for me.
Glenn: You are really saving my rump.
Dina: Well, you still got a few usable brain cells rattling around.
Glenn: [chuckles] You know this job is a lot. And I'm still trying to keep my stress level down. Do you think maybe we could, you know, talk corporate into some sort of co manager arrangement? I mean, if you'd be open to it. Sort of a "two heads are better than one" thing?
Dina: Animals born with two heads usually die almost immediately, but sure. I'm honored you asked me.
Glenn: I'm honored you'd accept.

Quote from Jonah

Cheyenne: Oh, hey, guys, I don't know if you heard, but Sandra's cat died yesterday, and then her diamond necklace got stolen, so a few us are collecting money to help her out.
Jonah: Cheyenne, I mean this in the nicest way: Get the hell away from me with that jar.

Quote from Dina

Woman: Excuse me, I was told I'd find the manager back here.
Dina: We are the manager.
Glenn: Right here.
Woman: This is to inform you that you are being served with legal papers in the matter of Carol Malloon v. Cloud 9. Thank you.
Dina: Do we know a Carol Malloon?
Glenn: Yeah, Carol! Carol Carol.
Dina: Oh. Oh, right. We electrocuted her. Yeah, a lawsuit makes sense.

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