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Grad Night

‘Grad Night’

Season 3, Episode 13 - Aired April 4, 2017

Alexis asks her family not to attend her high school graduation. David celebrates his birthday with Patrick when his family forget all about it. Meanwhile, the Jazzagals book a gig and Johnny sells out the motel.

Quote from Moira

Jocelyn: And of course the bad news is that Moira and I won't be able to attend.
Moira: I'm sorry, w- Why can't I?
Jocelyn: Because your daughter is graduating high school.
Moira: Oh. And what a grand night it will be for you and your charges. But the Roses' will not be at graduation. No, Alexis has veritably browbeaten us not to attend. I wouldn't be surprised if she skips the whole affair herself. Waggish little nymph, that she is.


Quote from Alexis

Johnny: Your graduation is this Friday?
Alexis: Mmm-hmm.
Johnny: What?
Alexis: I didn't tell you because I don't want you to come. It's bad enough that I have to wear that unflattering black dress and then the hat with the thing on it in front of people that I don't know.

Quote from David

Stevie: Sorry, I'm late. Is everybody here or are other people coming?
Patrick: I don't know. Is anyone else coming?
David: No. This is, uh... This is it. In case you didn't know, I'm wildly popular. Some might even venture to call me beloved.
Patrick: That's a bit of a stretch.

Quote from Patrick

Patrick: I'm kinda piecing together that it might be your birthday?
David: Yes, it is.
Patrick: Well, happy birthday. How old are we- Do you have any plans for today or?
David: Ah, I plan on popping a pill, crying a bit and falling asleep early. So just a regular weeknight.
Patrick: Well, it sounds like fun!
David: It is.
Patrick: You ever tried the Cafe Tropical? I've heard people raving about how "moderately edible" the food is there.
David: Well, yes.
Patrick: We could... We could go for a birthday dinner.

Quote from Alexis

Johnny: Alexis, I have a favour-
Alexis: Oh, great. Um, I would love a ride to work.
Johnny: I meant, I have a favour to ask.
Alexis: You just said that you have a favour. As in, for me.
Johnny: Well, who says that, 'I have a favour for you?'
Alexis: Okay. Are you saying that you can't drive me to work?
Johnny: No, I can't. I need you to work the motel this Friday.
Alexis: Ew! What?!

Quote from David

Male Customer: Oh, can I get a gift receipt for that? It's for an anniversary.
David: Oh. Well, isn't that thoughtful. I wish everyone remembered special days like that, but, alas, that's not what this world is anymore.
Male Customer: I'll just take that gift receipt.
David: Yeah. You're a good person.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Well, Ted, if there are people here that can help you, you should hire them.
Ted: Well I'm very happy with the job that you're doing. And I- I like having you here.
Alexis: Well, I like being here, but not as much as like... Tiffany Seraris. The poor thing went to cat camp.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Well, I'm saying I didn't realize that there was a huge pile of way more qualified people just like waiting to be hired.
Ted: Yeah. But you're learning.
Alexis: I know, but I'm taking someone's desk here. Like someone who actually wants to touch animals a lot. Like... Maybe there's a job out there that I'm better suited for. And some other, like, gorgeous, slightly under qualified girl is sitting at my desk asking herself the same question.
Ted: Okay.
Alexis: I'm just realizing that wanting to come in and laugh at your animal puns isn't enough when there is like people here.
Ted: Those were genuine laughs?
Alexis: Sometimes, yeah.

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: Stevie! Stevie!
Stevie: [o.s.] Have you tried restarting it?
Johnny: What?
Stevie: Oh. Sorry, I thought you were having trouble with the computer again.
Johnny: No, no. Well, I'm stuck on all caps, but no.

Quote from Moira

Moira: As long as we have some time, I thought we'd revisit this delightful little number. I can't even remember why we stopped working on it.
Ronnie: Because we are an ensemble group and this requires a lead vocal that just happens to be in your range.
Moira: Ronnie, when one of us shines, all of us shine. That is the meaning of ensemble.

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