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Friends & Family

‘Friends & Family’

Season 3, Episode 12 - Aired March 28, 2017

David and Patrick prepare for the launch of Rose Apothecary. Meanwhile, Alexis is nervous to find out whether she passed high school, and Moira surprises Johnny with a large family portrait that used to adorn their great hall.

Quote from Johnny

David: When it comes to expectations, it's always better to go under than over.
Johnny: Yeah, I don't know if that's true, son. Every Rose video we opened had fireworks. Day or night. People love pizazz.


Quote from Stevie

Stevie: Well, you guys are together, like, all the time now, so who needs this, right?
Johnny: Well, that's true. But, this happens to be one of the only possessions that wasn't sold off.
Stevie: Really? You'd think there'd be more of a market for oversized paintings of other people's families. Why does it seem like Mrs. Roses eyes are following me?
Johnny: Oh, she paid extra for that.

Quote from Moira

Ted: Good to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Rose. I take it that Alexis has told you the big news?
Johnny: Big news?
Alexis: Um, well, it wasn't that big a deal, but the other day at work Ted and I went to hug.
Ted: No, uh, actually I was talking about you passing your exams.
Johnny: Honey, you passed!
Moira: Oh, Alexis, what a delightful surprise. Not that I'm surprised. I had nothing but doubts. No doubts. That you could do this.

Quote from Ted

Ted: I want to say, that I got you a little something for passing your exams.
Alexis: Oh. Oh, Ted! You picked up a stick.
Ted: Uh, no, it's a it's a pencil shaped like a twig. I got it at the store.
Alexis: Wasn't that was sneaky of you. I will definitely try to use this. It looks very delicate.
Ted: Yeah, it's a lot more expensive than I thought, too. I hate it when they don't put price tags on things.

Quote from David

David: Um, is that your juice?
Patrick: Ah, no. Technically, I think it's our juice, ah, because you just took it from the fridge and didn't pay for it so Mm-hm.
David: Um, it's just that I don't normally share beverages with people.
Patrick: Really? That is shocking news.
David: Yeah. Yeah. Fortunately, um, you look like you have a clean mouth, so...
Patrick: Sorry. A clean mouth?
David: Yeah. Some people have nice, clean mouths, and some people have sloppy mouths.
Patrick: I see.

Quote from Patrick

Patrick: Ah, either way you do need to call the electrician to hang these lights that were supposed to be up a week ago.
David: Yeah. Yeah. I was waiting I was waiting for a call back from him.
Patrick: Mm.
David: But you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna follow up.
Patrick: Sure.
David: Can I have my juice back, please?
Patrick: No. You have a sloppy mouth.

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: You know, you might be right. It's funny when I look at that portrait now, I find myself wondering, "Were we really that happy back then?"
Moira: Yes.
Johnny: We were.
Moira: Oh, deliriously happy.
Johnny: Oh, and I miss that beach house.
Moira: Oh, my God, I still dream that we wake up in our old bed. Nothing's changed.
Johnny: No. No. We can't go down that road, Moira. We have to focus on what we do have. No?
Moira: Yes. Yes.

Quote from Patrick

Patrick: David, relax. It's going to be fine.
David: Oh, my God, the lights! I didn't call the electrician.
Patrick: [clicks lights on] I watched a lot of YouTube tutorials.
David: This is very impressive.
Patrick: Well, there is a good chance I didn't wire that properly, so that's why I also got the insurance that you forgot to get.
David: M'kay. Um, there's only so much that I can do in a day. So, um, are we ready to do this?
Patrick: Open the doors. [whispers] Softly.

Quote from David

Johnny: Oh, Moira, kids this is so unnecessary.
Alexis: What is it?
Moira: It's a gift from us to your father.
David: Okay. I'd rather not attach my name to a gift that I had no hand in selecting.

Quote from Roland

Johnny: Oh, my God. Where did you find this, honey?
Roland: Well, Moira told me it was down at the post office, so...
Johnny: I was talking to my wife.
Moira: The Van Housens found it in their storage room and thought that we should have it.
Roland: Who's the lady in the back?
Moira: It's Moira.
Roland: Flattering.
Johnny: It's a family portrait, Roland.
Roland: Oh. You you all look like cartoons.

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