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Finding David

‘Finding David’

Season 2, Episode 1 - Aired January 12, 2016

As the family search for David, Moira is seemingly more concerned by her missing bag. Meanwhile, Alexis further complicates the Ted/Mutt situation.

Quote from Alexis

Ted: Listen. I don't want to apply any pressure to the whole marriage thing, but-
Alexis: Thank you, Ted, 'cause it's so hard to focus on something like that right now.
Ted: And I totally understand that. It's just you had said that you wanted to get married if you weren't leaving town, and you didn't leave town, so...
Alexis: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And I totally get that. Technically though, someone did leave, and so the dust just hasn't really settled on the whole us leaving thing. Yet.
Ted: Right.
Alexis: But obviously I want to be with you! I'm just so scared.
Ted: What, about David, or about being with-
Alexis: Yeah, that.


Quote from Stevie

Johnny: All we know is the truck ran out of gas on an Amish farm.
Stevie: So David has been living on an Amish farm for three days?
Johnny: We think so.
Stevie: I really hope you're right.

Quote from Alexis

Johnny: Alexis, we think we found your brother! Come on!
Alexis: I'm just super tired from walking, though.
Ted: Babe, you're tired because you were stressed about David, but they found him, you should go.
Johnny: Alexis! [honks horn]
Alexis: I know!

Quote from Moira

Moira: Oh, my baby! Thank you, thank you! I would give you a gratuity, but I'm short about a million this week.

Quote from David

David: I hitchhiked, in the middle of the night, wearing all black! I was basically asking to get hit by a car!
Moira: Why?

Quote from Stevie

David: I come bearing gifts.
Stevie: Oh, how generous of you.
David: I think your car might need a bit of a clean.
Stevie: Is that a dead squirrel on your hood?

Quote from David

David: They said that you have been calling around, asking for me, which I thought was very nice of you.
Stevie: Oh, well, I didn't.
David: Hmm, well, they said that you were.
Stevie: Well, they were mistaken.
David: Oh, okay.
Stevie: In fact, I was hoping you wouldn't come back.
David: Wow, believe it or not, that is one of the warmest welcomes I have received so far!

Quote from David

Stevie: Usually when you tell someone that you have feelings for them, and the next thing they do is drive out of town with no plan to return, you hope you never have to see them again.
David: Well, in my defence, um, I was intending on staying away for much longer, but I ran out of money, and forgot my phone charger.
Stevie: Oh, well, at least you were well intentioned.

Quote from David

David: It's not like I didn't think about what you said. Um, after we spoke, I thought, well, there goes my one friend. Try saying that one out loud, it is very dark.

Quote from David

David: So, um, I guess just tell me what you would like me to do, and I will do it.
Stevie: Okay, well, let's start by you leaving my office, and we'll see where that takes us.
David: Mm-hmm. Well, I'll just- I'm gonna leave your office. I'm gonna leave your- I'm gonna leave your office. So, um, best wishes to you.
Stevie: Warmest regards.

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