Chris Quote #209

Quote from Chris in Doppelgangers

Chris: Ben, it has been an honor watching you work today. It's been like watching Leonardo work. Da Vinci or DiCaprio. You're that good.


 ‘Doppelgangers’ Quotes

Quote from Leslie Knope

Ann: First of all, this is Evelyn.
Leslie Knope: Oh, hello.
Ann: She is my Health Department counterpart from Eagleton.
Evelyn: There really wasn't a ton of work for me there. Eagletonians are very healthy.
Leslie Knope: Oh, well, this might be a very interesting challenge for you, because Pawnee has the very first documented case of mega-diabetes. And the only know occurrence of Lou Gehrig's other disease. We've been written about in textbooks.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] This is a historic day. At 12:01 this morning, the city of Eagleton ceased to exist and was re-absorbed back into Pawnee. Things are exactly the way they were back in 1817, except, you know, women and minorities can vote, we have indoor toilets, and we no longer burn widows for learning arithmetic.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Leslie Knope: Okay, Eagleton Ron, tell me a little about yourself.
Eagleton Ron: Well, I love the outdoors, love nature.
Ron Swanson: Amen.
Eagleton Ron: I'm a big believer in environmental conservation. Recycling and composting and the like. I'm a yoga nut. And I'm a nut nut. [chuckling] They make delicious milks, man. And I'm a vegan, of course. Slowly working toward full freegan-vegan.
Ron Swanson: What in God's name is freegan-vegan?
Leslie Knope: You only eat vegetables that have been thrown out in people's dumpsters.