Jerry Quote #90

Quote from Jerry in One in 8,000

April: So, um, Andy told me what's going on.
Jerry: Really? Oh. I was trying to keep it hush-hush. It's kind of embarrassing.
April: Well, if you ever need to talk to anyone, I'm here for you. Or, like, you know, I'm here, standing near you.
Jerry: Well, earlier today, I was licking icing off of my finger, and then, boom, I swallow my wedding ring. And I wish I could say it was the first time, but--
April: Wait, wait, wait. So you're not, like, dying?
Jerry: No, no, no, I mean, can it be painful? Sure, but the good news is, I've gotten very good at passing it. It's just a matter of getting out the old colander.


 ‘One in 8,000’ Quotes

Quote from April

Ben: So what do we got so far? We need big-ticket items.
April: I got the Red Hot Chili Peppers to send us a signed guitar.
Ben: That's great, April. How'd you do that?
April: It's a long story, but the short version is, I'm currently catfishing Anthony Kiedis.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Okay, there's still plenty of ways to raise money for the concert, right? Maybe we'll win the lottery. I mean, hey, you're looking at a woman who just hit triple cherries in her uterus.
Ben: We're screwed.
Leslie Knope: No, we're not, we have three weeks until the concert. It'll be fine.
Ben: No, not the concert. The triple cherries. I mean, of course it's the most amazing and wonderful thing to ever happen, but, okay, I am an accountant, and I am looking a cold, hard facts. Raising three kids is going to cost $2 million.
Leslie Knope: Babe, our kids will be geniuses. They'll get scholarships. Half of my tuition was paid for by the Indiana scholarship for pretty blondes who like to read. It's now called the Virginia Woolf prize. Different time.

Quote from Donna

Ron Swanson: What are you doing?
Donna: I'm getting a picture of you volunteering at a public elementary school in case I ever need to blackmail you.