Andy Quote #238

Quote from Andy in The Treaty

Leslie Knope: I need a few more volunteers. Andy, will you be Iceland?
Andy: The bad guys from Mighty Ducks 2? Don't think so.
Leslie Knope: Okay, how about Japan?
Andy: The bad guys from Karate Kid 2? Even worse. How 'bout Germany? They've never been the bad guys.
Leslie Knope: Why don't you be Finland?
Andy: Okay.


 ‘The Treaty’ Quotes

Quote from Andy

Andy: Delegates! I know that you're angry with each other. Hopefully, this will be your opportunity to have your very own Camp David.
[aside to camera:]
Andy: In high school, my buddy David Fundis would have these campouts in his backyard. We would just chill out, have a bonfire, talk about whatever was on our mind. We called it camp David.
Ben: How do you know about Camp David?
Andy: How do you know about camp David?

Quote from Andy

Andy: Honey! I just traded Finland's military to Kenya for 50 lions. That's pretty good, right?
April: Yeah...
Andy: Okay.
April: But also militaries are pretty good at protecting countries.
Andy: But so are lions. And you don't have to pay them.
[aside to camera:]
Andy: These kids are idiots. I've just traded all of Finland's boring stuff for every other country's lions? I definitely have more lions than any other country in the whole world right now. I have no idea what's going on. But if that ends up meaning something in this game, I'd say I'm set.

Quote from Ann

Ann: I was so into you, okay, and you basically turned me into a female version of yourself, and then you got bored dating me because you were dating yourself.
Chris: Huh...
Ann: I mean, I was jogging. I hate jogging.
Chris: [laughs] Jogging's amazing!
Ann: Jogging is the worst, Chris. I mean, I know it keeps you healthy, but God, at what cost?