Leslie Knope Quote #745

Quote from Leslie Knope in End of the World

Leslie Knope: [aside to camera] Ben and I don't hang out much these days. Big deal, lots of people don't hang out. Jerry and April. Obama and Madonna, probably. We're in good company.


 ‘End of the World’ Quotes

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: [aside to camera] What religion am I? Well, I'm a practicing none of your [bleep] business.

Quote from Tom

Jean-Ralphio: [annoying call] T-Cups, we did it, baby. We built a company from the ground up.
Tom: And then we ran it into the ground.
Jean-Ralphio: Well, the important thing to remember is that it was a massive success. Remy Martin?
[aside to camera:]
Tom: Well, Entertainment 7Twenty is dead. It's up in company heaven. Along with Pets.com, Blockbuster and Ask Jeeves. My company is no better than a company where you ask a fake butler to Google things for you.

Quote from Andy

[at the Grand Canyon:]
Andy: It's so much more beautiful than I could have ever even imagined.
April: Yeah. I'm trying to find a way to be annoyed by it, but... Coming up empty.
Andy: Thank you so much. I never would have ever done this without you. Thank you. Where's all the faces? Like the presidents.