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Moving Up (Part 1)

‘Moving Up (Part 1)’

Season 6, Episode 21 - Aired April 24, 2014

While attending a conference in San Francisco, Leslie makes a big decision about her future. While out West, Ben and Andy try to woo a tech company to invest in Pawnee. Back in Pawnee, Tom needs his friends' help when he brings forward the opening night of his restaurant.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: It's a smart move, son.
Tom: Thanks, Ron.
Ron Swanson: Because you currently owe me $16,000 for the wood.
Tom: What?


Quote from Andy

Leslie Knope: Okay, everyone, welcome to the very last Unity concert planning meeting. Andy, you are in charge. This is your show. Take it away.
Andy: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to accept the following missions. Madison.
Madison: Manning that art tents.
Donna: Donna.
Donna: Scheduling... and security liaison.
Andy: Larry.
Jerry: Staying out of the way.
Andy: And all of the rest of the volunteer-work assignments are up on this board.

Quote from Leslie Knope

April: Your main goal today is to get 2,000 people to sign up for the Pawnee-Eagleton Merger Preservation Volunteer Action Squad. Their first project will be to come up with a shorter name for the group.
Leslie Knope: You're right. The name is too long. I was picturing bigger hats.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Can the Parks and Rec people hang back for a second? Um... The reason I wanted you guys to stick around is, I wanted to tell you... That I love and admire you.
Andy: Oh! Leslie, thank you.
April: You say that every morning.
Leslie Knope: A while ago, I was offered a job at the National Parks Service, and it's a great opportunity, but it means that I'll have to move... to Illinois. And I took the job. [all cheering]
Andy: Good for you!
Tom: That's great!
Ron Swanson: Congratulations, Knope. The sentimental people in this office will probably miss you.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Tom: We had a new Founders' Day statue commissioned and added your name to the list of founders of Pawnee.
April: Because you basically founded this new town.
Leslie Knope: "Leslie Knope. Champion of the Pawnee-Eagleton Merger. Our Most Faithful Citizen. She never abandoned us."
Jerry: There's a quote, too.
Leslie Knope: "Only a moron would ever live anywhere other than Pawnee, Indiana. - Leslie Knope, multiple occassions."
Ron Swanson: I can quit a new plinth with a less ironic enscription.
Leslie Knope: This is so touching, you guys. I am crying out of happiness, and sadness, and gratitude, and because I'm carrying triplets, and for a fifth reason I can't figure out.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [on the phone] Hi, Grant. I want the job. I have a lot of questions, but I'm a little amped up right now, so I'll probably just hang up. It might be for the best. But, anyway, I love you. No, I don't. I'm sorry. That was weird. Okay, bye. Oh, this is Lester Kanopf. No, you know who it... Okay, bye.
Ben: Smoothly handled, Lester.
Leslie Knope: I panicked. We should go. We have a lot of stuff to do... and the meter's still running on that cab, so chop-chop.

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