Winston Quote #146

Quote from Winston in Bathtub

Winston: Jess and I want a tub. We want candles and bubbles. Oh, damn it, Schmidt, we want bubbles, man. I want to cover everything up on my body with bubbles. You know, and then just blow 'em off like this... and laugh, like...


 ‘Bathtub’ Quotes

Quote from Schmidt

Jess: I'd really love to come home and soak in a beautiful bathtub.
Schmidt: Bathtubs are Medieval filth cauldrons ... pass.
Nick: Yeah, it's a waste of money, Jess.
Schmidt: I'm not interested in simmering in testicle tea for 20 minutes.

Quote from Schmidt

Winston: How come I'm James Brown?
Jess: When you don't smile for my pictures, you get replaced. You come home after a long, hard day at work.
Nick: Tired.
Jess: You want to relax, but how? How about soaking in a glorious bubbly pool for one? Sipping the nectar of the gods.
Nick: I don't get it ... is this bath water?
Schmidt: Might as well be; It's rosé. Burn notice, France.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Jess, I want to talk to you about your bathtub pitch. I love baths. I do. Back in Latvia, we had a great tub. But I tell you what... there are parts of my butt only a tub can clean.
Jess: Ew, but okay!
Winston: Okay, here's what we're gonna do, so the guys don't know. We're gonna split the 400 bucks for the tub. Then we can hide it on the roof and install it in the middle of the night, and then we can just pretend like you did it without our permission.
Jess: Or we could just... say that you wanted a tub, too.
Winston: How about we just keep this a Jess and Winston thing?