Winston Quote #820

Quote from Winston in Five Stars for Beezus

Winston: Wait, wait, wait. You have a mug shot of the diaper bandit? With a phone number on the back?
Aly: All right. Listen, I-I wanted to wait for the right time to tell you this.
Winston: Have you been keeping in touch with the diaper bandit?
Aly: What? No. No, listen. I... That's actually your dad's phone number. You said you wanted to find him, so...
I found him.
Winston: [whispering] My dad is the diaper bandit?
Aly: No.
Winston: Oh.
Aly: Forget about the diaper bandit.
Winston: That'd have been weird.


 ‘Five Stars for Beezus’ Quotes

Quote from Cece

Cece: So sorry I'm late, but Sadie would not stop going on about her divorce, and I was like, "Girl, can you just be quiet and look at my vagina, please?"
Jess: The fact that we have the same gynecologist really makes me feel closer to you.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: [answers phone] What, Winston? I'm using social media.

Quote from Winston

Winston: Last box in the truck. Hmm. I haven't seen this room this empty since Steve left.
Aly: Who's Steve?
Winston: Oh, he was the guy who lived in this room before Jess. Real night screamer. He couldn't sleep unless he was screaming a whole bunch. Yeah.
Jess: I guess I should give you my keys.
Winston: Are you really not gonna tell Nick how you feel? That's such a Steve move.
Jess: [chuckles] Steve was in love with Nick?
Winston: Oh, yeah, and he never told him. That... sweet, gay coward.
Jess: Maybe Steve left this place and-and... and finally got the space that he needed to... become a better version of himself.
Winston: Yeah, I mean, he's selling tires in Little Rock.