Jess Quote #189

Quote from Jess in Secrets

Jess: Do not drink my almond milk when you spent the whole night drinking Schmidt.
Cece: Why are you dressed like a Mexican wrestler?
Jess: Because Cece, I don't want to live in a world with secrets. And that means that I now know my three roommates have all thought about me while self-completing. So, I'm gonna wear my winter clothes until I can deal with that fact. But it's better than not knowing.
Cece: Is it really better?
Jess: Yeah, it is.


 ‘Secrets’ Quotes

Quote from Winston

Winston: All right, everybody stop! Wherever you are right now, just sit down! Okay, now, Saturday is a day for sleeping, and damn it, you will not take that away from me! You, give her her scarf back. Finders keepers is not a thing. You, get out of my house!
Holly: Who are you?
Winston: Who am I? Who am I? Well, I am Theodore K. Mullins. And Nick is my lover on the down low. Tell her, Nick. Tell her how it really goes down in apartment 4D. Oh, great Negro spiritual, please come down and loose these chains on this woman! Flesh on flesh. When the lights are off, we are all the same.
Nick: Not true.
Winston: Dear lord, help me, Father! Get out of my house. Get out of my house!

Quote from Jess

Jess: When did it start?
Schmidt: 1:03 a.m., February 15, right on schedule.
Cece: Two months ago.
Jess: Two months? Two moons have passed since you started doing it?
Winston: Why do you start talking like a Native American when you get angry?
Jess: Two moons have passed!

Quote from Jess

Jess: Are you ready to run? I have my playlist all ready. Actually, it's Diane Keaton's autobiography, and she just filmed First Wives Club, and it's getting me pumped!
Cece: I totally forgot we were going to run today.
Jess: I e-mailed you, like, three times.
Cece: Maybe you typed "gmoil" again.