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Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation

‘Mr. Monk Takes a Vacation’

Season 1, Episode 10 - Aired September 20, 2002

When Sharona takes Monk with her on vacation, Benjy believes he witnessed a murder at the hotel.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sharona: I don't get it. Who did they kill?
Adrian Monk: The missing maid.
Rita Bronwyn: Maid number five.
Adrian Monk: Lupe Olivencia.
Rita Bronwyn: She probably got greedy.
Adrian Monk: Or more likely, she grew a conscience and then wanted out. Whatever the reason, they had to get rid of her.
Rita Bronwyn: So then they went to work.
Adrian Monk: It was the cleanest crime scene in the history of crime.
Rita Bronwyn: And we can't prove a thing.
Adrian Monk: Not without a body. No body, no case. But it just has to be here somewhere.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: I don't think I can wait a whole year.
Sharona: For what?
Adrian Monk: Our next vacation.
Sharona: You enjoyed that?
Adrian Monk: Oh, I had a great time.
Sharona: Okay, for your information, that was not a vacation, Adrian. A vacation is supposed to be fun and relaxing. That was murder camp.
Adrian Monk: I was thinking, the first week of November, there's this place in Monterey.
Sharona: No. No, forget it. No more vacations. The next time you try to make me take a vacation, I swear I'm quitting. I can't believe I just said that.
Adrian Monk: You seem upset.
Sharona: I am upset!
Adrian Monk: You know what you need?
Sharona: Shut up.
Adrian Monk: Vacation!
Sharona: Shut up!

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