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Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink

‘Mr. Monk Gets a New Shrink’

Season 5, Episode 7 - Aired August 18, 2006

Monk is lost when Dr. Kroger decides to retire after a cleaning lady is murdered in his office.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Dr. Kroger: I'm really frightened. I don't know what's going on.
Adrian Monk: Okay. Okay, do you see those figurines? Check the label. They're from Turkey. That one in the corner, it's cracked. Obviously ruined. Why didn't he throw it out?
Dr. Kroger: Drugs? [Monk nods] But what does that have to do with Teresa?
Adrian Monk: I think Teresa broke that figurine. I remember, after we found the body, I asked Lieutenant Disher if he'd checked the vacuum cleaner. He said the bag was completely empty. But think about it. The bag couldn't have been empty if she had been vacuuming rugs all night.
Dr. Kroger: I'm- I'm not following you.
Adrian Monk: On Thursday night, Teresa was cleaning Merrigan's office. She must have knocked over that figurine. It broke open. It was filled with powder.
Dr. Kroger: Heroin?
Adrian Monk: She had no idea. She just vacuumed it up and moved on to the next office, your office. Meanwhile, Merrigan comes back. He sees the broken figurine. He figured out what happened. He knewsome where in that building was a vacuum cleaner bag filled with heroin. He went looking for Teresa, and caught up with her in your office. Merrigan must have checked the bag to make sure the heroin was still there. Once he found it, he couldn't just let her go. She had seen too much. Then, he rifled through your files threw a rock at your house, so everybody would think it was one of your patients.
Dr. Kroger: Everyone did. Everybody except you. Adrian, I hope someday I'm as good at my job as you are at yours.


Quote from Harold Krenshaw

Adrian Monk: So you're not quitting?
Dr. Kroger: Right now, I don't know if it really matters. We're in big trouble here, aren't we?
Adrian Monk: Yeah.
Dr. Kroger: I'm never going to see my family again. My son...
Adrian Monk: I'm sorry.
Dr. Kroger: Do you think anyone will ever find us?
Adrian Monk: I don't see how. Nobody in the world has any idea where we are.
[meanwhile, in a car following the truck:]
Harold Krenshaw: Don't worry, Dr. K, I'm coming. I got your back.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: I wanna ask you something. When we were here investigating, my file happened to fall open and a couple pages fell out.
Dr. Kroger: And you read your file?
Adrian Monk: I couldn't help it. I happened to glance down. And I saw something. Two words. "No hope."
Dr. Kroger: "No hope"?
Adrian Monk: Is that what you think?
Dr. Kroger: Adrian, I would never say that about anyone, especially about you. Oh, wait. I remember. I remember. It wasn't "no hope." It was "N. Hope." An abbreviation for "New Hope." We were talking about your father, and you said he was born in New Hope, Pennsylvania.
Adrian Monk: New Hope, Pennsylvania.
Dr. Kroger: Yeah. You feel better?
Adrian Monk: Oh, I knew it was something. Natalie was worried.
Dr. Kroger: Yeah, I'm sure.

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