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Mr. Monk and the UFO

‘Mr. Monk and the UFO’

Season 8, Episode 3 - Aired August 21, 2009

When Monk and Natalie get stranded in a remote Nevada town, Monk sees something unusual in the sky.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: So, head trauma.
Dr. Garcia: She fell face first.
Adrian Monk: There's no defensive wounds. No no scratches. So, she didn't put her hands out when she fell. These clothes appear to be new. And sleeves are too short. And the treads on these boots, they're not warn down at all. [removes shoe]
Natalie: What was that?
Adrian Monk: Silica packet. They sometimes put them in new boots.
Sheriff Fletcher: She couldn't have been hiking, not with that in her shoe.
Dr. Garcia: What does it mean?
Adrian Monk: It means that somebody dressed her after she was dead. After she was murdered.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: What is it?
Adrian Monk: It's double-sided tape. There was a rug here. What is that?
Natalie: [picks up plastic tag] It's from a shirt.
Adrian Monk: A new shirt. I think she was killed here in this room. And then redressed.
Kyle Larkin: You really think someone murdered my sister?
Adrian Monk: Sheriff, I'd like to see where they found the body.
Sheriff Fletcher: You hear that? What the hell is that?
Adrian Monk: They think that Mr. Monk is from outer space.
Natalie: He's not.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sheriff Fletcher: They found the body here against this rock. The coyote tracks heading west, but they're gone now.
Adrian Monk: Can they drag a body that far?
Sheriff Fletcher: Oh, sure. I've seen them drag a deer carcass seven miles.
Adrian Monk: Listen. Somebody's here.
Sheriff Fletcher: Thought I saw something following us. Must be one of your UFO buddies. What did you say to them anyway?
Adrian Monk: Nothing. I was just minding my own business. Was being myself. And suddenly everybody wants to know the frequency. [gun fire]

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: So what do we do?
Sheriff Fletcher: I would very much like to disappoint him. One of us is gonna have to go get help. The highway's about 15 miles that way.
Adrian Monk: All right, Natalie and I will go.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, we can't leave him. He's been shot.
Adrian Monk: All right, Natalie and I will stay here.
Natalie: Mr. Monk, he can't walk.
Adrian Monk: Well, what do you suggest, Natalie? Do you have any ideas at all?
Natalie: Yes, you get help. I stay here and take care of the sheriff.
Adrian Monk: Any ideas at all? Because if you do, I'd really like to hear them. So, no ideas. Not a one.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Doctor, doctor, I think he's awake.
Adrian Monk: [groans]
Dr. Garcia: Mr. Monk?
Adrian Monk: [mumbles]
Sheriff Fletcher: What did he say?
Dr. Garcia: "Floss."
Sheriff Fletcher: Floss?
Natalie: He means his teeth. You flossed your teeth last night in the hospital for about three hours. Then you took a four-hour shower. I don't think there's any hot water left in the whole state.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Sheriff Fletcher: Adrian, let's try this again. When they found you, you were carrying this bag. You wouldn't let go of it. I think it's important. I'm looking at batteries, engine lubricant, eye glass wipes.
Adrian Monk: I know what happened.
Sheriff Fletcher: You mean about the UFO or about Marge's murder?
Adrian Monk: Both. It's all connected. The eye glass wipes, they're Kyle Larkin's. He killed his sister. For the money, of course. He put her in a hiking outfit and dumped her body in the desert. It would look like an accident. Like she was out hiking, lost her footing, and fell. As soon as anybody found the body, he'd be rich. He went home and waited for the call that his sister's body had been discovered. But something was wrong. The call never came. He realized the coyotes must've dragged it away. Without the body, he couldn't prove she was dead. He had to find it, but how? You said Kyle owned a store. I could make out some of the lettering on the door of his van. It said "Models and Hobbies."
Sheriff Fletcher: That's right. He sold kits for model trains.
Adrian Monk: And airplanes.
Sheriff Fletcher: And airplanes.
Adrian Monk: More. [drinks] He needed somebody else to find that body. Anybody else. So he build a UFO. It was a just a remote control model. Then he made what looked like a landing site. He knew somebody would see it and the news would spread. He knew the Internet people would come. They believe anything.
Dr. Garcia: So basically he was putting together a search party.
Natalie: He just needed people out there looking around the desert. He knew someone would eventually find his sister.
Sheriff Fletcher: It has been an honor to watch you guys work. Mr. Monk, Ms. Teeger, I am going to be forever grateful that your vehicle broke down in my neck of the woods. But if you will excuse me, I have a suspect I need to go arrest.
Sheriff Fletcher: Your fan club's here. They're gonna be mighty disappointed that none of this was real.
Adrian Monk: I'll tell them. Let me talk to them. I'll let them down easy. Okay, Natalie, watch this.

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