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Mr. Monk and the Red Herring

‘Mr. Monk and the Red Herring’

Season 3, Episode 10 - Aired January 21, 2005

As Monk struggles to find a new assistant who would allow him to return to work, Captain Stottlemeyer encourages Natalie, who killed an intruder in self-defense, to ask for Monk's help.

Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Mr. Franklin, I'm Natalie Teeger. I'm Julie's mother.
Mr. Franklin: Oh, yes. I remember you from parents' night. Excuse the mess. We've been making volcanoes.
Natalie: Did you tell Julie that she couldn't bring her fish to the science fair?
Mr. Franklin: Yes. I did. Mrs. Teeger, sit, please. [Natalie doesn't move] Or stand. That's fine. Mrs. Teeger, you need to understand I teach science, not science fiction. I can't approve a project if a student is just making things up.
Natalie: Are you saying Julie is lying?
Mr. Franklin: I don't know what to say. I've seen Julie's fish. It's an ordinary crimson marble fish. She said she's had it since she was five.
Natalie: Yeah, that's right.
Mr. Franklin: That's impossible. A marble fish lives a year, year and a half at most. Either Julie's mistaken, or she's trying to pull a fast one. Either way, I have an obligation to my other students.


Quote from Natalie

Natalie: Okay, okay, okay, okay! Truth is, it's not the same fish.
Adrian Monk: Yes, it is. Sure it is.
Natalie: Let it go. I've replaced it every year. Julie's dad gave it to her before he died. I don't have the heart to tell her the truth. It's all that she has left of him. So, Mr. Franklin, if you wanna call that little girl and tell her that the fish that she's been talking to and praying to for the last six years is dead then, you know what, go ahead! I'll dial it for you.
Mr. Franklin: Okay, okay. I didn't know. She can bring the fish to the science fair. If you like, I'll even swing by your house later and pick up the aquarium.
Natalie: Thank you.
Mr. Franklin: But I can't give her an award.
Natalie: Mr. Franklin, she doesn't need an award. She just needs to make it through middle school without falling apart. Thank you, sir.
Adrian Monk: Thank you, sir.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: I know what they've been after. Look.
Captain Stottlemeyer: The moonrock?
Adrian Monk: It's the most valuable rock in the world. It's more valuable than any diamond. A rock half this size was sold in Japan for $2 million.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Okay.
Adrian Monk: Well, I knew that I had seen that rock before somewhere. It was in Julie Teeger's aquarium. It was right in front of us the whole time. Here's what happened. There's a tour guide at the museum named Peck. Lyle Peck. Last weekend, he stole the moonrock. It was probably Sunday night after they closed. He waited until the guards were distracted or between shifts. Peck has worked there for years. He's practically a fixture, so he definitely knew the routine.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Why didn't the museum report it?
Adrian Monk: The museum never missed it. They didn't know it was stolen. They still don't. Peck replaced it with an exact duplicate.
Captain Stottlemeyer: Wait, you mean this is just a regular rock? Son of a bitch, I stood in line for half an hour just to touch this stupid thing.
Adrian Monk: Right. But Peck had a problem. He still had to get the moonrock out of the building. They were searching everybody. Even the employees. So since there was no way for him to get it through security, he had to improvise. He hid the rock in the gift shop. Inside one of those aquarium kits. Then he marked the box. He probably planned to have his accomplice, Brian Lemmon, pick it up the next morning.
Captain Stottlemeyer: But the girl got there first.
Adrian Monk: Exactly, Julie Teeger bought it that morning and took it home. The next day Peck tried to steal it, posing as a meter reader. When that didn't work, Brian Lemmon broke in. But he didn't count on Natalie waking up or that pair of scissors. [Stottlemeyer chuckles] What?
Captain Stottlemeyer: You're back.

Quote from Julie Teeger

Julie Teeger: This is Mr. Henry.
Adrian Monk: [to Natalie] We gotta grab that rock.
Julie Teeger: Mr. Henry is a marble fish. And most marble fish only live for about a year. But Mr. Henry is six years old, and he's still as frisky as ever. And that is thanks to my special diet of ground-up vitamins, rice crispies, and cucumbers.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Adrian Monk: Look out, I got a fish here! Coming through, flapping around! Flapping fish here!

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