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The Big Game

‘The Big Game’

Season 5, Episode 9 - Aired December 4, 2013

Cameron is determined to secure his place in the school's history by winning a record third game in his first season as coach. Meanwhile, Claire is fed up of being treated differently at work because she's the bosses daughter, and Phil tries to keep an optimistic spirit as he goes almost an entire month without selling a house.

Quote from Jay

Jay: I got you mustard and Sauerkraut, just what you like.
Claire: You're being awfully nice, considering I started that whole closet-nado.
Jay: Well, you're still my daughter. It's okay I call you that here, right?
Claire: Yeah.
Jay: Listen, it's hard for me to treat you like everyone else. You're the only one I carried home in my arms. Except Dontrell, last year's Christmas party. I pretty much poured him through his sunroof. But I'll try.


Quote from Haley

Dylan: Hey, we should see a midnight movie tonight, like old times.
Haley: Oh, my God. I am so in!
Dylan: Cool. Cool. I'll come by your house around 11:30 with the ladder?
Haley: I don't need to climb out of my window anymore, Dylan.

Quote from Claire

Claire: So, I finally get out of the closet, and there's dad looking down at me.
Mitchell: Been there.
Mitchell: The whole daddy thing, though, it's really one of your bigger issues.
Claire: At least my daddy issues are with my actual daddy. I don't run around making every authority figure I meet into a father.

Quote from Mitchell

Claire: Mitchell, come on. Why have you not quit your job yet?
Mitchell: His girlfriend just broke up with him.
Claire: Yeah, and what was your excuse last week?
Mitchell: I had a cold.
Claire: And the week before?
Mitchell: I felt a cold coming on.

Quote from Lily

Lily: You made me in trouble.
Gloria: I didn't tell you to sit on a boy until he liked you.
Lily: Yes-huh.
Gloria: Nuh-huh.
Lily: We're not doing this again.

Quote from Phil

Claire: Oh, honey. What happened to you today?
Phil: A cosmic pummeling. I lost the deal. If I don't close on one tomorrow, it's gonna be my first month ever with no sale.
Claire: Actually, there is no 31st this month.
Phil: What are you talking about?
Claire: Tomorrow's the first. Honey, I'm sorry. Are you okay?
Phil: No, I'm not okay! I just found out there is literally no tomorrow! You know, I always say if you wait long enough, your luck will change? Turns out that's just a big pile of c-

Quote from Phil

Phil: They scored on my play!
Charlie Bingham: Mitchell says you can sell me a house.
Phil: Yes, I can!
Jay: Good call, Phil. Was that your play?!
Phil: Yes, it was!
Gloria: You're being too rough, Lily. You cannot just see a guy and, mwah!, kiss him like that, okay?
Phil: Yes, you can! Yes, you can!

Quote from Haley

Haley: Oh, hey, what's that?
Alex: "Alex Dunphy dome?"
Haley: Uh, I think it says "Alex Dunphy, do me." Ugh, who would write something like that?
Alex: No idea.
Haley: Hey, you want me to scratch it out?
Alex: No! I mean, pfft, too late now. If it's out there, it's out there.

Quote from Phil

Phil: Just sold the most expensive house in town, sight unseen, all cash. How 'bout that?
Haley: I'm proud of you, dad.
Phil: Pretty great day for all the Dunphys.
Alex: [on the phone] And then I said, "Michelle, do you honestly believe every stupid rumor you hear?" Oh, you haven't heard? Well, apparently, one of my exes is just, like...
Claire: [on the phone] Tim, I- I am so sorry that you got hurt, and I will get to the bottom of it, but I suspect it was sabotage by the competition. Maybe Closets, Closets, Closets, Closets.
Luke: [on the phone] Not too bad, a little puffy, kind of like your eyes were when you saw "Finding Nemo," Miller.
Phil: Like I said, positive attitude.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Oh, hey, Luke, Reuben's sick, so I'm gonna need you to be the announcer today.
Luke: How am I supposed to keep score and announce at the same time?
Miller: Same way you're a spaz and a dork at the same time, spork.
Cameron: Okay, lose the attitude, but keep that intensity.

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