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Spanks for the Memories

‘Spanks for the Memories’

Season 9, Episode 15 - Aired March 7, 2018

When Jay overhears Gloria on the phone talking about spanking, he decides to spice things up in the bedroom. Now that Mitchell has an amazing new job, he and Cameron throw a party to break the news to their friends, who have been pitying him lately. Meanwhile, Phil helps Alex grapple with the question of prestigious internship.

Quote from Phil

Alex: What are you even still doing home? Don't you usually open your magic shop by now?
Phil: Yeah. I'm just going in a little late.
Alex: Doesn't sound good for business. And I saw you sneak those carrots out of your lunch.
Phil: I'm trying to avoid one of the other shop owners. Kind of an intimidating character. It started with a dispute over a parking space and escalated from there.
Alex: Hey we don't avoid bullies in this family. We stand up to them. Off you go.
Phil: I don't think you realize what kind of person I'm up against. Yesterday, all my dribble glasses were replaced with real ones. It was humiliating.


Quote from Longinus

Mitchell: So, Long', we have a lot to catch up on. What's up?
Longinus: Not my weight. The Tom Brady diet changed the way I see the world. [to Cameron holding the Hors d'oeuvres] Food, not food, super-food, poison.

Quote from Cameron

Sam: Great party, boys. We need to talk about the piano in the room.
Mitchell: Uh, well, yes, so, okay, okay. [chuckles] So, Cam has always wanted one, and frankly, it has been out of our price range until this week. Fun story. It turns out that I-
Sam: I'm being rude. Sam Turnbull.
Claire: Oh! Claire Dunphy. Hi. You are the editor of L.A. Woman magazine, right?
Cameron: I believe it's pronounced [French accent] "La Woman."
Sam: It isn't.

Quote from Claire

Claire: It's funny because your office called my business last week. Apparently, I'm on some short list for the Women in Business issue.
Sam: Closets, right?
Claire: Yeah. I shattered the glass ceiling and ironically, we have a new glass-ceiling closet. You can see if it's raining when you're getting dressed. Gonna save a lot of suede.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Hi, everyone. So, we are about to get to know one another on a deeper, more personal level. I think you all know what the bowl is for. Hey, no. Not your keys, Jotham. Your phones! We are about to rediscover the long-lost art of conversation.
Jotham: What if the sitter calls?
Cameron: Your dog will be fine. Phones, gentlemen, phones.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Uh, it's a difficult subject. Gloria and I are having an issue in the bedroom.
Claire: Okay.
Jay: There's been a drop-off of pace and intensity. I get the impression she's looking for, maybe, a little more variety.
Claire: Mm.
Jay: But you can't blame her. I've been using the same moves since the '70s. I may as well be doing "The Hustle" in there.
Claire: I'm just gonna wet my whistle.
Jay: I heard her tell her friend last night about wanting to be spanked. And later, the opportunity presented itself, and-
Claire: No, you didn't. You didn't.
Jay: Three times.
Claire: Oh, God. Why three times, Dad?
Jay: I don't know. Maybe all those years of ping-pong in the warehouse. I've got very agile wrists.

Quote from Jay

Claire: When you did what you did to Gloria, you made the sex all about her body, and a woman wants it to be about the mind.
Jay: Oh, crap. I was afraid it would be about that sort of thing.
Claire: Look, she is an intelligent, interesting woman. And you just need to remind her that you notice that unlike, say, I don't know, L.A. Woman magazine, that only cares about how a woman looks.
Jay: So, we're off my thing, huh?
Claire: Hopefully forever, yes. I ran into the editor of that magazine over at Cam and Mitch's today, and you know what? He looks me up and down. Suddenly, I am off their women-in-business list.
Jay: So, L.A. Woman is its own magazine now? I remember when it was the back page of L.A. Man.
Claire: Well, I suppose I'm just not as glamorous as Linda Vaughn, the queen of corrective shoes.
Jay: And this has nothing to do with the fact that you showed up looking like someone who just watered some horses?

Quote from Jay

Claire: What about merit?
Jay: I hear you. But you got to play the game. I didn't get on the cover of Closet Time's September '78 issue by wearing Jordache jeans one size too big.

Quote from Gloria

Gloria: Why haven't you been texting me back?
Mitchell: Well, uh-
Gloria: You're judging us, aren't you?
Mitchell: No.
Gloria: This is nothing compared to the things that I have heard that you two do-
Mitchell: Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. I-I never saw your text, okay? All of our phones are in a bowl.
Gloria: Oh, it's that kind of party.
Mitchell: What do you think that we do?
Gloria: I have a problem.
Mitchell: Well, can it wait? I have guests.
Gloria: Your father spanked me.
Mitchell: Eh, it's a buffet. They'll be fine.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: What did you do?
Gloria: I screamed, he ran away. And now I think he's embarrassed.
Mitchell: Okay, okay. For what it's worth, sometimes people do things to other people that they want done to themselves. [looking at Cameron] Sometimes, for years on end.

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