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Clean for a Day

‘Clean for a Day’

Season 7, Episode 12 - Aired February 10, 2016

Before she starts her new job as president of Jay's closet company, Claire decides it's time for the family to declutter their house. Unfortunately, Luke and Phil are reluctant to part with anything, while Alex finds a memento from her relationship with Sanjay. Meanwhile, Jay takes up a new hobby as his retirement begins, while Gloria takes a golf lesson so she can spend more time with him.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Gloria, dreams don't predict the future. They're windows into the subconscious. Maybe falling from a great height is about my dad retiring.
Gloria: You think?
Mitchell: Yeah, it could be. He's no longer a big shot in the closet industry, which is apparently a thing. Maybe you're afraid that the two of you are growing apart.
Gloria: It's happening already. Today we could have done all sorts of fun things together and he decided to go golfing! We could have gone to dance classes, the arboretum, the art gallery!
Mitchell: You're kind of swimming upstream with those. Look. If- If you want him to do the things that you love, you may have to learn to do the things that he loves.
Gloria: Like what? Golf?
Mitchell: Yeah. Or marry Cam. He loves all that gay stuff you want to do.


Quote from Claire

Chickie: Happy Easter! Happy Easter!
Claire: Chickie?
[aside to camera:]
Claire: The minute I heard that voice, all the memories came flooding back: hiding eggs in the backyard, the girls in their dresses, Luke in his little blazer, Phil in his bunny suit.

Quote from Haley

Haley: Be strong. I'm proud of you.
Alex: Thanks.
Haley: You know, a lot of girls would have tried to look sexy to show him what he's missing.
Alex: Is there more to that?
Haley: No, just trying to figure you out.

Quote from Haley

Alex: Hey, party people.
Haley: Why are you so happy?
Alex: Went over to Sanjay's, got a little closure.
Haley: Yeah? Well, some of your clothes are on inside out.

Quote from Phil

Claire: I couldn't save Chickie. And think about all the others I didn't save: Malibu Barbie, Pink Bunny Pillow, Stretch Armstrong.
Phil: Wait. You threw away my Stretch Armstrong?
Claire: Yes. It's gone. They are all gone. Years of stress cleaning has eradicated a lifetime of precious memories.
Phil: Well, what if it hasn't?
Alex: Are you suggesting an alternate universe that parallels reality?
Phil: I'm suggesting a storage unit that parallels the freeway.

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