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Catch of the Day

‘Catch of the Day’

Season 9, Episode 3 - Aired October 11, 2017

Phil is nervous that he will have a day of bad luck after failing to complete his daily underpants superstition. Mitchell wonders why the kitchen renovator seems to respect Cameron more than him. Meanwhile, Haley is forced to experience the world without a cell phone, and Jay is determined to get Gloria to admit she was in a car accident.

Quote from Claire

Claire: [aside to camera] Man plans to go to Steely Dan. God laughs.


Quote from Gloria

Jay: If you say you weren't in an accident, I believe you.
Gloria: Thank you, baby.
Jay: There is just one more thing.
Gloria: Is that my phone?
Jay: Yeah. You've got a lot of interesting pictures here, but especially this one. It looks like the front end of your car is rammed into the back end of this car. Now, I'm not an insurance adjuster, but I would say that that's pretty solid proof you were in an accident.
Gloria: That's not my car.
Jay: But why would you take a picture of some random accident?
Gloria: To remind me of how precious life is.
Jay: That's your license plate.
Gloria: Do you even know who makes license plates, Jay? Prisoners! Are you gonna take the word of a convicted felon over your wife's?
Jay: Makes no sense.
Gloria: Exactly.
Jay: What is your problem?! Don't you see what this is doing to me?! I need to know that you can admit when you made a mistake. I know there's good in you, Gloria!

Quote from Jay

Jay: Gloria, I've been thinking. That whole accident thing? I'm dropping it. You say it didn't happen, it didn't happen.
Gloria: It happened.
Jay: What, are you admitting it?
Gloria: Yes. The accident... it was my fault. Please forgive me, mi amor.
Jay: Uh-oh. Where's Stella?

Quote from Cameron

Mitchell: I-I should have just asked, uh, Francisco myself. W-Why is it you call him "Boss" and me "Mitch"?
Francisco: Oh, uh, uh...
Mitchell: It's okay. You can tell me. I-I can take it.
Francisco: Well, uh, I can't remember his name.
Cameron: What?
Mitchell: Really?
Francisco: You know, I keep wanting to say "Krang," but I know that's not right. Unless it is?

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: It's Cam. Okay. We have spent every day together, Francisco. I'm a little offended.
Francisco: Oh. Well, if it makes you feel any better, my name's actually Fernando.
Cameron: Oh. It does help.

Quote from Gil Thorpe

Gil Thorpe: Oh, my God. That's Dunphy. 50 bucks to the first guy who hits him, huh?

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