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Hal Quits

‘Hal Quits’

Season 2, Episode 14 - Aired February 4, 2001

Hal quits his job after being embarrassed at Dewey's school's career day. Meanwhile, Lois gets Francis a job at the drug store.

Quote from Lois

Hal: All right, now, keep them closed. Come on. You've all been very patient. I appreciate that. You've been waiting a long time, so... Here it is. [all open their eyes]
Reese: It's...
Malcolm: Yeah.
Lois: You're finished?
Hal: Yeah. It's perfect! I mean, it's exactly how I imagined it.
Lois: Then... look at it.
Hal: What?
Lois: Look at your painting.
Hal: Oh, I can see it.
Lois: Hal, I want you to look at that painting and tell me that you're satisfied with it.
Hal: [groans]
Lois: I knew it! You are not finished.


Quote from Lois

Hal: I can't do it, Lois. It is driving me crazy. I have been slapping on paint day after day and I've got nothing! And I'm never going to get it right so I might as well just forget it.
Lois: Oh, you listen to me, Hal. You are not going back to work until you get this out of your system.
Hal: No! You don't understand. It is no use!
Lois: You are not giving up. You are going to stay right here until you are finished.
Hal: Oh-ho-ho-ho!
Lois: I'm not going to go through this every five years when you decide that there's a sculpture or a fountain or God knows what it is you still have to build. You are going to finish it!

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