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Bomb Shelter

‘Bomb Shelter’

Season 7, Episode 18 - Aired April 2, 2006

When Reese and Dewey discover a bomb shelter in the back yard, they trap Hal inside after he gets mad at them for breaking his work trophy. Lois tries to win a pick-up truck at the mall. Meanwhile, Malcolm joins a dance class just for the chance to be with an attractive girl.

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: I'm so glad you were still available for the competition. I was really upset by Hanna's, um... accidental injury, but I think you and I might win this thing.
Danielle: Well, if we can do it with our dancing, maybe you could stop sleeping with the judges.
Malcolm: That'll free up my evenings. [to camera] Who knew... she banters, too.


Quote from Lois

Lois: I'm sure it's nothing, Cheryl, but you'll probably feel better after a doctor's taken a look at it. [Cheryl walks away in tears]
Announcer: There's another one. She's down and we're here in the...
Malcolm: Wow, Mom, just four left. That's great.
Lois: Yeah, and it'll be three before you know it.

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: Why wouldn't you have expected to like me?
Danielle: It wasn't a criticism of you. It's just that... Sometimes I can be really shallow about these things. Malcolm?
Malcolm: So what kind of guys do you like when you're shallow?
Danielle: No, it's nothing. It's just that I've made mistakes in the past going after guys just based on their looks.
Malcolm: So you almost didn't go out with me because I'm not good-looking enough?
Danielle: Would you let it go, okay? I like you. Now dip me.
Malcolm: Face or body?
Danielle: What?
Malcolm: Face or body, which don't you like? Or maybe you don't like any of it.
Danielle: It's all fine. It's good enough. Now dip me.
Malcolm: I can't believe you'd think like that.
Danielle: For God's sakes! [dips Malcolm]
Malcolm: You know, you're no prize.
[Danielle gasps and drops Malcolm]

Quote from Lois

Lois: I did it! I won the truck!
Hal: Lois, you're not going to believe what these boys have done. They trapped me in a hole, I was there for three days.
Reese: He wasn't trapped-
Lois: [honks horn] Did you hear what I said? I said I won the truck!
Hal: Oh, my God!
Reese: You won the truck!
Hal: We won the truck! [boys celebrate] We won the truck! We won the truck! We won the truck! Let's go for a ride.
Lois: Just a sec. First I have to change my pants.

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