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The Window

‘The Window’

Season 5, Episode 10 - Aired December 7, 2009

Ted is alerted to the fact that a woman he's known since college is single again. Meanwhile, Marshall questions his life choices after reading a letter that he wrote to himself when he was fifteen.

Quote from Ted

[Ted runs out of the apartment, reaches the stoop of the building. Lily is coming in the other direction. A group of tourists block their path.]
Ted: Lily, the window is open.
Lily: Make a hole, people. Run, Ted, run!
[Ted runs down the street]
Maggie: Ted?
Ted: Hey, Maggie. [out of breath] I was just... you know... How are you?
Maggie: I'm fine, I guess. Actually, no, I'm not fine. I just broke up with my boyfriend.
Ted: Oh. Oh. I'm so sorry to hear that. You want to hang out tonight?
Maggie: Sure.


Quote from Ted

Marshall: Please tell me you got in the window.
Ted: I got in the window.
Robin: What is going on? What is the window?
Ted: You know how everyone has that guy or girl who, no matter what happens, you always remember them being the perfect one for you?
Robin: Mike Schatz.
Marshall: Lily.
Barney: That girl right over there.

Quote from Barney

Ted: I sent a cab with a female driver, so she'd have no other interaction with a man until she got to me.
Barney: Where she'll still have no interaction with a man. What up? I feel good tonight. Tonight's going to be good.

Quote from Lily

Marshall: Oh, hell, yeah! It's my overalls. I wore these babies all throughout high school. These were my jam.
Robin: God, you really were a virgin before you met Lily, weren't you?
Marshall: Well, that's unnecessary.
Lily: Oh, she's right, baby. If you had worn these things in college, even I wouldn't have slept with you. And, if you recall, I was good to go.

Quote from Ted

Ted: I totally forgot, I have to teach a class tonight. Want to come with me and check out a real, live architecture class?
Maggie: Not even a little bit.

Quote from Ted

Ted: Listen to me. You want me to find the perfect girl so we can all grow old together? That is her. Do not let any guy near her, okay? That means no waiter takes her order, no busboy clears her table. If she bursts into flames, I want a firewoman putting her out.
Marshall: I don't think 911 takes requests.
Ted: Damn it, Marshall! Whatever you have to do, keep Maggie Wilks single until I get back. [starts to leave, turns back] I left my tab open. Don't abuse it.
[Marshall and Lily high five]

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: Target secure?
Lily: Target secure.
Marshall: Oh, my gosh. How weird. We all walked out of the bathroom at the same time.
Lily: Well, let's all walk back to the booth together.
Marshall: Oh, my. Look at this, the table where we are sitting.
Lily: [to a passing guy eyeing up Maggie] Back off!

Quote from Ted

Ted: Good evening. Tonight, we're gonna have a nice, quick class on bridges. There are 6 types: Beam, cantilever, arch, suspension, and 2 others. You got land on both sides, water in the middle. See you all next week.
Louis: Hey, we get you for the whole hour.
Ted: Oh, come on. Who really wants to sit here and listen to me yap about bridges?
[Everyone in the class raises their hand]
Ted: Really?

Quote from Ted

Ted: One very important thing to keep in mind when designing a bridge...
Louis: "Maggie"?
Ted: Oh, no. I mean, yes. Yes, when you're designing a bridge, always rember: make adjustments... go get it energized. That's good advice for life, too.

Quote from Ted

Betty: So, Professor Mosby, is this Maggie someone special?
Ted: No. Well, she's just this girl I've been into for a really long time, and, well, tonight could be the one chance
I have to go out with her, so...
[The entire class raise their hands]
Jamie: Is she a hottie?
Ted: Yes, Jamie. She's very attractive. And if we can just end class right now... Betty?
Betty: Maggie may finally be available, but what about you, Professor Mosby? Are you ready for a serious relationship?
Ted: Totally. I mean, I think so. Maybe. I don't know. What do you guys think?
[All the class raise their hands]

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