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The Broken Code

‘The Broken Code’

Season 9, Episode 4 - Aired October 7, 2013

Barney accuses Ted of breaking The Bro Code for comforting Robin at the carousel, leading Marshall to Skype in as an impartial ar-bro-trator. Meanwhile, Lily tries to help Robin make more female friends.

Quote from Barney

Ted: Look, Barney, the truth is, it was weird at the carousel. On some level, it's probably been weird ever since we broke up. But you're my brother. I would never do anything to hurt you. Ever. I mean it. I swear. I'll even swear it on the Bro Code.
Barney: The Bro Code's stupid.
Ted: Huh! How dare you? I'd be honored. I can't promise that I'll ever get to a place where it won't be at least a little weird between me and Robin. But I don't want to lose you as a friend. Either of you. So I will do everything I can to move on and live with it. The question is, can you?
Barney: I'm sorry, Ted. I just can't do this. I fold. What about the best man?
Ted: I fold too.


Quote from Barney

Billy Zabka: I fold.
Tim Gunn: There goes my belly buster. You sandbag all night only to bluff a couple of rags pre-flop... and wind up with a dry board. That's what you get for limping in short-stacked with a pack of donkeys. Muck city. I fold.
Ted: Oh, right. I knew that.
Barney: I knew that, I knew that.

Quote from Marshall

Billy Zabka: Okay, two players left.
Ranjit: You're bluffing, robot man. I raise.
Barney: Oh.
Marshall: [over video chat] Hey, Billy, do you mind pushing my chips into the center of the pot? Preferably with gusto, because I'm all in!

Quote from Future Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] And that's how I became Barney's best man again. Everything was back to going off without a hitch.
Billy Zabka: I'm coming for you, Mosby.
Future Ted: Okay, there was one slight hitch.

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