Barney Quote #1191

Quote from Barney in Robots Vs. Wrestlers

Barney: I'm performing open heart surgery on the Dutch ambassador in the morning. I hope he pulls through.
Hannah: Really? A colleague of mine just prescribed Coumadin to the Dutch ambassador. And there's no way she'd be on anticoagulants if she were about to undergo surgery.
Barney: Just... Okay. [walks away]


 ‘Robots Vs. Wrestlers’ Quotes

Quote from Future Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] Kids, I think I told you how earlier that year we had seen some doppelgangers of ourselves around town. There was Lesbian Robin. There was Mustache Marshall. And, of course, Stripper Lily. Well, that night, one more doppelganger surfaced. Mexican Wrestler Ted.

Quote from Marshall

Peter Bogdanovich: Which is exactly what Truffaut was talking about in his 1954 article in Cahiers du cinema. Film is an auteur's medium, full stop.
Marshall: [laughs] Movies. Right? Actors. Willem Dafoe. Funny thing about Willem Dafoe. Uh, his name kind of sounds like a frog talking to a parrot. [in deep voice] Willem. [in high-pitched voice] Dafoe! [deep] Willem. [high] Dafoe! No?

Quote from Barney

Barney: Fine, you guys can have a baby, but only under these conditions. One, you promise to always love me more than the baby. Two, once a month I get to use the baby to pick up chicks. Three, that may involve the baby falling from a two-story window and me heroically catching it. Four, no breast-feeding in front of me. Five, forget about four. You can whip them out whenever you want.