Robin Quote #698

Quote from Robin in 46 Minutes

Barney: Let's go to a strip club!
Ted: Well... I'm going to miss them anywhere. Might as well see some cans while I'm at it.
Barney: I'll take it! Robin, Kevin, you in?
Future Ted: [v.o.] Kids, early in any relationship, there's a phase where you don't say no to anything. Because you want to seem interesting... adventurous... and open-minded. I call it Early Relationship Chicken.
Robin: Well, I'm open to anything.
Kevin: Oh, mos' def.
Both: So...
Robin: [inner monologue] I don't want to go to a strip club.
Kevin: [inner monologue] I don't want to go to a strip club.
Robin: [inner monologue] But I don't want him to think I'm some prude.
Kevin: [inner monologue] Man, we've been saying "so" for a while.
Both: Yeah!


 ‘46 Minutes’ Quotes

Quote from Barney

Ted: So that's it. No more Marshall.
Robin: No more Lily.
Barney: They're gone. Which means... no lame married couple shooting down all my amazing ideas. Guys, great news. I'm the new leader of the gang!
["how i met your barney" credits roll:]
Barney: [singing] Ba...Barney is the new leader of the gang And life just got way more awesome. Yeah!

Quote from Barney

Barney: Enough! I am sick of you two wallowing in sadness, instead of doing the healthy thing and pretending anyone who leaves you never existed in the first place.
Kevin: I hate to agree with Barney's near-paralyzing abandonment issues, but he has a point. You can't just stop living because two of your friends moved away.
Barney: Precisely. [pre-ciss-ley] Now, as new group leader, I say we go out and do something that we never would have done with Marshall and Lily here. Ooh. Remember that amazing idea I had that one time?
[every night since 2005:]
Barney: Let's go to a strip club.
Lily: Nope.
Barney: So what do you say? Let's declare our independence with an on-da-peen dance. On-the-peen dance.
Robin: No, we got it. We got it.

Quote from Barney

Barney: Yes! Tonight is going to be legen- Wait, are we sure it's a good idea to go to a strip club? Shut up, Lily!
I'm in charge now - dary!