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Season 9, Episode 9 - Aired November 11, 2013

The gang reminisce about an evening that saw Ted and Marshall go to a basketball game and Barney accept a series of challenges from Lily and Robin.

Quote from Ted

Marshall: It's like you're trying to lose!
Ted: Hey, Eddie! Last time I saw this many turnovers was at a bakery!
Marshall: Oh!


Quote from Marshall

Marshall: Robin has changed her mind.
Ted: No, Robin doesn't change her mind.
Marshall: Except that she does. Remember she used to claim to hate white-guy funk bands? Yet, at the farewell performance of my band, The Funk, the Whole Funk and Nothing but the Funk, there's Robin, nodding her head and shouting out requests for "Give Up the Funk."
Ted: I think she was nodding in response to my question, "Do you want to leave soon?" And she was legitimately suggesting that you give up the funk.

Quote from Barney

Lily: Congratulations. You win.
Barney: Win? No, I don't want to win. Keep playing. More challenges.
Lily: Fine, you want another challenge?
Barney: More challenges, more challenges.
Lily: Fine, here's your challenge. Go down to the pharmacy and buy some diapers.
Robin: And get me a samosa from the Indian place.
Barney: Sounds like an errand.
Lily: While picking up a girl.
Barney: Challenge accepted!

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: Come on! What ever happened to the guy who wasn't afraid to charge headlong into the unknown?
Ted: What unknown? Sure, eight years ago, when I stole that French horn, yeah, that was the unknown. But now? How many times have we been here? I know exactly what's gonna happen.
Marshall: You know who else knew exactly what was gonna happen? The Washington Generals on January 5th, 1971. They knew they were gonna lose, and they went in there and gave it their best shot anyway. And they won that game, Ted, for one reason and for one reason only.
Ted: Scoring error and the fact that Curly Neal had the flu?
Marshall: Perseverance. It was the only win in Generals history. But that's all you need. Just one win.

Quote from Ted

Hammond Druthers: Ted, I'm calling you from Chicago, Illinois, where I'm a key player in a very successful architectural firm.
Ted: Oh, yeah, I read about that.
Hammond Druthers: About what you read...
Ted: You built that concave glass tower.
Hammond Druthers: And it melted a few buildings across the street. Yes, fine. But come on, what architect hasn't made a major design flaw that raised the temperature of the city aquarium to 190 degrees and killed thousands of very rare fish? That's the past, Ted. I'm looking forward. I want you on my team, and I won't take no for an answer.
Ted: No.
Hammond Druthers: I don't think you heard me, Ted.
Ted: No.

Quote from Ted

Hammond Druthers: [on the phone] Come on, Ted. Please? They're gonna give me a parking spot if you say yes.
Ted: Do I get a parking spot?
Hammond Druthers: We can go tandem.
Ted: No.
Hammond Druthers: Every other week, then?
Ted: No.
Hammond Druthers: You know, Chicago's more of a walking town.
Ted: No.
Hammond Druthers: All right, you can have the parking spot. So that's a yes?
Ted: No.

Quote from Ted

Hammond Druthers: [on the phone] Look, Ted, I can make your life very difficult.
Ted: How?
Hammond Druthers: "How?" I will call you a lot. I will tweet at you like crazy. I will live on your Facebook wall.
Ted: We're not Facebook friends.
Hammond Druthers: Yeah, what's going on with that? It's been pending, like, for eight months now. Look, Ted, you're a very hot commodity. Everybody loves the GNB tower, and how it hasn't blinded any pilots on final approach into O'Hare. Ha-ha-ha. And I may have told the partners here that you and I are very good friends. So please, just say you'll think about it.
Ted: Fine. I'll think about it.
Hammond Druthers: Druthers shoots, he scores!

Quote from Ted

Ted: The strangest thing happened at the game. I got a call from an unknown number. And when I answered, l... You're eating olives.
Robin: Yup.
[flashback to Ted and Robin's first date:]
Robin: Do you want these? I hate olives.
Ted: I thought you hate olives.
Robin: Heh. I guess I changed my mind.

Quote from Ted

Hammond Druthers: [answers the phone] Ah. Hello, partner. Boy, that just sounds right, doesn't it?
Ted: Yeah, actually, Mr. Druthers, my answer is no.
Hammond Druthers: What? No. Ted, come on.
Ted: I'm sorry. I still have things to do here in New York.
Hammond Druthers: I am going to build a tower of glass and melt you with it.
Ted: No, you won't.
Hammond Druthers: No, I won't. But know this. After today, this offer is gone forever. When I hang up this phone,
you and I are done. The door is closed.
Ted: Okay.
Hammond Druthers: The door's always open, Ted. If you change your mind, just call me back, okay? Bye. [hangs up] I think he's coming around.

Quote from Barney

Barney: I have no idea who that girl was, but she set me straight. After that, I had one challenge and one challenge only. Get Robin Scherbatsky to fall in love with me.
Robin: Challenge completed.

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