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Season 8, Episode 3 - Aired October 8, 2012

As Lily and Marshall search for a nanny, Barney is out of tricks to pick up women following his break-up with Quinn. Meanwhile, Robin and Ted try to make each other jealous of their new relationships.

Quote from Barney

Robin: You're still getting over Quinn. You can't just dive right back into single-Barney mode.
Barney: But I can't stop myself. I'm out of control. No, I'm not. I'm fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, that blonde at the bar looks as loose as my rear molars. Stop me. don't stop me. I'm fine. Help. Being singles great!


Quote from Future Ted

Ted: You know, Victoria's messiness just forces me to grow as a cleaner.
Robin: Totally. And without Nick, who's gonna hem my pants?
Ted: To making these relationships last.
Future Ted: [v.o.] Both relationships would implode within the month.

Quote from Mickey

Mickey: Look, honey, I was a jerk who wasn't there for most of your childhood and I regret that every single day of my life. But I promise you I'm here now for Marvin if you want.
Lily: You're hired.

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