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Last Words

‘Last Words’

Season 6, Episode 14 - Aired January 17, 2011

As the gang supports Marshall at his father's funeral in Minnesota, Ted and Barney try to get him to laugh, Lily tries to look out for Judy, and Robin carries a well-stocked purse. As the service approaches, Marshall thinks about his father's last words to him.

Quote from Marshall

Future Ted: [v.o.] And Marshall really did think he could live with that. That is, until later, at the memorial service.
Judy: My last talk with Marvin was so lovely. The stories his mother and brothers told were so perfect.
Marvin Jr.:: Then he picked my crying son up off the ice. He gave him a hug and said, "Champ, it doesn't matter if you fall down once in a while".
Marcus: And as we hiked, a little deer appeared on the path. She hopped over to Dad and started eating right out of his hand.
Judy: And then he kissed me and he said...
Marvin Sr.: "I will always be proud of you".
Marcus: "Life is such a gift".
Judy: "You know something, gorgeous? I'm the luckiest man alive".
Barney: [sniffling] Lame.
Ted: These stories suck.
Robin: Doesn't hold a candle to your Crocodile Dundee thing.


Quote from Marshall

Lily: Baby, are you okay?
Marshall: I have to listen to it. [plays message] It's a pocket dial. It's nothing.

Quote from Robin

Marshall: Oh, man. I should have rented Crocodile Dundee III.
[Robin pulls out the DVD from her purse]
Ted: Okay, seriously, how are you doing that?
Marshall: Thanks.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: Trey Platt. I can't believe my father's funeral service is being led by Trey "The Noogie Machine" Platt.
Ted: That guy gave you noogies? What, did he carry a stepladder?
Marshall: He made me carry it.

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