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Architect of Destruction

‘Architect of Destruction’

Season 6, Episode 5 - Aired October 18, 2010

Ted is conflicted when he learns that the new GNB headquarters he's designing will mean knocking down a New York landmark. Meanwhile, Marshall is upset to learn how much women share about their sex lives.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: How's it going with Robin?
Max: Uh, I think I have to break up with her.
Marshall: Really? Why?
Barney: You with her?
Max: Yeah, well, there's this kind of weird thing she likes to do in the bedroom. Just... makes me uncomfortable.
Barney: I get it.
Ted: Yeah, that is not for everyone.
Marshall: Hey, what's not for everyone? Guys, come on. What is it?
Max: Come on, bro. This is a locker room.
Marshall: I... [to the naked older man] What do you think it was, Murray?

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