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46 Minutes

‘46 Minutes’

Season 7, Episode 14 - Aired January 16, 2012

Lily and Marshall finally move into their house on Long Island, putting them a 46 minute train journey away from their friends. In their absence, Barney becomes the leader of the group and takes his friends to a strip club, on the 150th episode of How I Met Your Mother.

Quote from Mickey

Mickey: Okay, Marshall, take three steps forward, and you should be at the fuse box.
Lily: Do you think he made it?
[The lights come on]
Marshall: I did it!
Mickey: No, Marshall... you did it.
Future Ted: [v.o.] Fun fact: that night inspired Mickey's one and only successful board game.
[TV commercial:]
Man: [singing] With splintery floorboards and rusty nails Make sure you don't get impaled Lites Out!
Mickey: Brought to you by Aldrin Games!


Quote from Barney

Barney: I'll admit it. I can't lead this group. We need Marshall and Lily.
Robin: But they're gone, aren't they? I mean, it'll go from seeing them a couple times a week, to a couple times a month, and then it'll just be holiday parties.
Barney: Then the years pass, and you find out Marshall's dead, and you're there for Lily emotionally at first, but then it becomes sexual, and you feel guilty, but maybe that guilt just makes it dirtier and better...
Ted: No, I won't let that happen. Especially that last part.

Quote from Future Ted

Future Ted: [v.o.] Would the five of us always live within a few minutes of that booth? No, that's life, kids, but here's what I discovered. Our booth was wherever the five of us were together.

Quote from Mickey

Mickey: That's right, Widow Rodriguez. Stretch it. Work those gams. Ooh, yeah. Grab that left arm. Clutch that chest. Fall down really fast. Oh, my God! Somebody call 911!

Quote from Robin

Kevin: Hey, guys. Where are Marshall and Lily?
Robin: Something terrible happened.
Kevin: Are they okay? Are they in the hospital?
Barney: No. Somewhere much... much worse.
[ten minutes earlier:]
Marshall: Long Island! Tonight, we're moving out there for good.

Quote from Ted

Marshall: Guys, we'll still see each other all the time, and we'll talk on the phone. And I know people say that having kids means you won't see your friends anymore, but... Oh, God, this is good-bye, isn't it?
Lily: No. Stop it. Guys, this doesn't change anything. We are only a 46-minute train ride away. Just pop out whenever you want.
Kevin: So... I guess this seat is open.
[Ted, Barney and Robin whimper]
Kevin: I'll go get a chair.

Quote from Marshall

Lily: I know he means well, but I can't take it anymore. He won't leave, and he's acting like this is his house.
Marshall: No, I know. And these annoying notes he keeps leaving around? "I need absolute silence when practicing the drums." "Do not touch the fudge in my nightstand." "We need ant traps for my nightstand."
Lily: I find myself hiding out here just because it's the only room in the house where he can't boss us around.
Mickey: [intercom beeps] Great news. I put new batteries in the old intercom system. Now we can communicate at all times. Mickey out. [beep]

Quote from Ted

Robin: Look at what's become of our booth.
Ted: Looks like my old shop teacher's hand, just sort of missing something.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: I've got no cell reception. I wanted to call Ted. This feels weird. The last time I lived this far from him was my semester abroad.
Lily: You never did a semester abroad.
Marshall: That's what I called it when we lived on opposite sides of campus.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: That's it. Mickey, since you got here, you've been nothing but judgmental and pushy and strangely obsessed with your adolescent sex life. Tomorrow morning, you're out of here.
Mickey: Well, I've just been trying to help you...
Marshall: We don't need your help!

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