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'Twas the Night Before Chaos

‘'Twas the Night Before Chaos’

Season 4, Episode 12 - Aired December 13, 1994

Jill tries to play peacemaker when her bickering parents, Colonel Patterson (M. Emmet Walsh) and Lilian (Polly Holliday), visit for the holidays. Meanwhile, Tim once again tries to win the Christmas lighting contest.

Quote from Jill

Lillian: Jill? What are you doing there? Have you been eavesdropping on us?
Jill: No, I'm sleepwalking.
Colonel Patterson: You make coffee when you sleepwalk?
Jill: Yes. That way it's ready when I wake up.


Quote from Al

Tim: Today's Tool Time isn't about a plaid lad's Christmas. Today's Tool Time is about a man's Christmas. And nothing says Christmas to a man like a block of ice and a Binford chainsaw.
Al: That's right. And today's special Tool Time guest uses a chainsaw to make beautiful ice sculptures.
Tim: That's right. Our guest, Chas Jensen, is here for the Plymouth International Ice Sculpting Spectacular. So let's give him a warm... Wait a minute. Let's give him a cool Tool Time welcome - Chas Jensen! Welcome to Tool Time.
Chas Jensen: Thank you, Tim.
Al: Chas.
Chas Jensen: Thank you, Al.
Al: Now, rumor has it that you can actually make a Christmas tree out of this block of ice in 30 seconds.
Chas Jensen: Yes, I can. Would you like me to demonstrate?
Tim: Well, we didn't invite you on the show to sing.
Chas Jensen: OK.
Al: You know, that is fabulous. However, the presents you put under it should be waterproof. [snorts]

Quote from Tim

Randy: Hey, hurry up, Mark, get outta there. I gotta go really bad.
Jill: Why don't you use your bathroom?
Randy: I can't. Aunt Nancy's in there giving the babies a bath.
Jill: Use ours.
Randy: Uncle Marty's in there, and he took five magazines with him.
Tim: Go get some of those stick matches. Whoo!

Quote from Tim

Jill: Tim? Will you please set the highchair up for lunch?
Tim: I'll just eat at the counter.
Jill: Oh, it's so great to have babies in the house again.
Tim: Yeah. There's nothing like a little projectile vomit to brighten up the holidays.

Quote from Jill

Jill: Mom, it's so wonderful to see you!
Lillian: It's amazing you're seeing us at all. Your father didn't use the turn signal once, all the way from Texas. Hello, dear. Hello, Tim.
Tim: Hi, Lillian.
Colonel Patterson: I didn't use the signal because there was no one behind me, Lillian.
Lillian: Then what was that truck that almost sideswiped us?
Colonel Patterson: He had no business being on the interstate, big truck like that.
Jill: Hi, Daddy.
Colonel Patterson: Hello, sweetheart. [to Tim] Hey, you.

Quote from Jill

Colonel Patterson: All right, men. Here's your mission. There is a vehicle in the driveway that needs unloading. Dismissed.
Brad: It's packed to the ceiling with presents.
Randy: Charge!
Lillian: That's another thing. Your father piled the presents up so high in the back seat, he couldn't even see out the window.
Colonel Patterson: Now, don't blame me. I wanted to put the presents in the front seat and you in the back.
Lillian: Well, that would have certainly made things more pleasant for me.
Tim: Oh, it's gonna be a perfect Christmas.
Jill: Would anybody like some eggnog?
Lillian: Oh, no. Your father can't eat eggs.
Colonel Patterson: I can eat eggs. I just don't know what the hell "nog" is.

Quote from Jill

Colonel Patterson: [to one of Marty's twins] If you're thinking about a career, think army.
Lillian: All he ever talks about is the army, the army, the army. You'd think he'd never retired.
Colonel Patterson: Never should have retired. After spending two days in a car with you, the Korean War was a picnic.
Lillian: Well, I really enjoyed my two days riding with you. Of course, I could've had more scintillating conversation with a crash dummy.
Colonel Patterson: You calling me a dummy?
Jill: Would you please just stop...
Tim: Jill?
Jill: ...standing there, so we can talk about Christmas lights? Tim is entering a contest. Tell them, honey.
Tim: I'm entering a contest.

Quote from Jill

Lillian: Oh, there they go. Don't stay out too long. When you get back, you can help me put the icing on my famous sticky buns.
Boys: All right, Grandma.
Lillian: Now, don't worry, Jill. You can go back on your diet after Christmas.
Jill: I'm not on a diet, Mom.
Lillian: Oh! Oh, oh, well. Then you don't have to worry at all.

Quote from Jill

Colonel Patterson: [o.s.] Lillian! Where'd you put my tape of Patton? I want to show it to the boys when they get back.
Lillian: I threw it out of the window in St. Louis.
Colonel Patterson: [o.s.] If you're serious, we're going back to get it!
Lillian: All right, all right. I'll find it.

Quote from Jill

Colonel Patterson: [to Marty's twins] Look, girls. There's General George S. Patton. He was the most powerful military leader in the world.
Randy: Phew! Speaking of powerful. I think one of those babies just dropped a bomb.
Nancy: There they are.
Colonel Patterson: Oh, they were crying, so I decided to calm 'em down by letting 'em watch Patton's invasion of North Africa.
Nancy: At home, we just put them to sleep with old tapes of Tool Time.
Jill: Whoa! Somebody's stinking up the joint over here.
Brad: Randy!
Jill: Boys? Boys, would you go upstairs for a while? I want to talk to Grandpa alone.
Mark: We're right in the middle of Patton.
Jill: Well, go upstairs and ask your grandma to act out the rest of it for you.

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