Pete Quote #1

Quote from Pete in Flying Sauces

Tim: Last time, I promised construction-site cooking. That's why I invited the guys at K&B construction down to the set. Rock Lannigan, Dwayne Hoover and Pete Bilker. How you doing, Pete?
Pete: Hi, Tim.
Tim: Nice beard.
Pete: Well, thank you, Tim. I grew it because of Al. He's my hero. [Al salutes Pete]
Tim: Yeah, mine too.


 ‘Flying Sauces’ Quotes

Quote from Rock

Tim: Rock, what have you got for us today?
Rock: Well, Tim, I'm a riveter. I work up on the high steel. And I'll tell you, it makes it darn hard to get a hot lunch up there. But I've come up with an easy way to make a delicious grilled-cheese sandwich.
Tim: You hear my stomach growling?
Rock: Oh, you're gonna love this one, Tim. The fellas call it "cheddar ȧ la Rock".
Tim: All right.
Rock: I use only sharp Wisconsin cheese. Because, after all, in Wisconsin, cheese is cheese.
Tim: American cheese from American cows. [moos] Look out!
Rock: I spread on a generous dollop of oleo with my trowel. Then I take the cheese and I stick it between the bread.
Tim: Good place for it.

Quote from Jill

Tim: "Touch Me in the Morning". Diana Ross.
Jill: I'll touch you in the afternoon if you think of the name of the song.
Tim: I remember the song that we heard in the back of my Corvair steaming the windows.
Jill: So do I. "The Minute Waltz."

Quote from Rock

Rock: And then I... Tim, I kind of hate to give this little secret away.
Tim: Come on, Rock, let it go. It's a Tool Time crowd. [grunts] [audience grunt]
Rock: All right, all right. Pete. I sprinkle on a little oregano for flavoring. And then I fire it up.
Tim: What do you use to heat that with?
Rock: Well, that's one of the secrets of cooking on the job site. I go straight for my blowtorch.
Tim: And that's no ordinary blowtorch. That's a Binford 3000 Turbo Ignition Switch torch.
Rock: Yeah, you betcha, Tim. See, the trick... you got to toast it nice and evenly on both sides so that you seal in that delicious Wisconsin flavor. Try that, Timmy.
Tim: [takes a bite] It's hot. [groans]
Rock: Might want to let that cheese cool down a little bit there.