Wilson Quote #349

Quote from Wilson in Jill's Passion

Heidi: Welcome to Tool Time on location. All this week we're gonna show you how to remodel and organize your garage.
Al: And as you can see, this garage is crammed full of every object imaginable.
Tim: There's one object missing. I think it's called an automobile.
Al: That's right. The owner of this garage has a classic Studebaker, but because it's so crowded in here, [bagpipes sound] he's got no place to put it.
Tim: First you want to do is start getting rid of the big objects, like this totem pole.
Wilson: No, no, no! I could never part with my pole!
Tim: This is my neighbor, Wilson. It's his garage we're trying to organize.
Wilson: Oh, my old bagpipes. [bagpipes sound]
Al: To clean out your garage, you have to part with stuff.
Tim: That's right. Let's start by getting rid of this old bathtub.
Wilson: No, no, no, no, no. That's my special tub right there. You know, in the Roaring Twenties, my father used this to make bathtub gin.
Tim: That would explain the duck without a liver and with a case of jaundice.


 ‘Jill's Passion’ Quotes

Quote from Tim

Jill: Tim, I feel like we're drifting apart.
Tim: We're not drifting apart.
Jill: You don't think so?
Tim: No. Our relationship is like any couple that's been married this long. It's comfortable. It's... It's like an old pair of shoes.
Jill: That's what our marriage has become to you? Worn-out footwear?
Tim: Not worn-out. Broken in. Stretched out. This isn't helping, is it?
Jill: No.

Quote from Randy

Jill: What is all that?
Brad: It's all the stuff Wilson's giving away.
Mark: He gave me his boar.
Randy: Yeah. We tried to give Wilson our bore, but Mark wouldn't stay.

Quote from Wilson

Al: Well, how about dumping the tuba?
Tim: Yeah.
Wilson: No way!
Tim: How about the dog sled?
Wilson: Don't be ridiculous.
Al: The cannon?
Wilson: Never! [bagpipes drone]
Tim: How about something small?
Wilson: No, no, no, no. These are the gloves I wore in my exhibition bout with Sonny Liston.
Al: You were a boxer?
Wilson: Oh, yes, indeedy. Back then I was known as Sugar Wilson Wilson. [laughs]
Tim: To your corners, fellas. Get your own punching bag. This punching bag is mine.
Al: Well, sometimes to clear out your garage, the first thing you have to get rid of is the owner.