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From Top to Bottom

‘From Top to Bottom’

Season 7, Episode 25 - Aired May 19, 1998

Jill tries to explain Tim's behavior when she is invited onto a women's talk show. Meanwhile, Tim has one decision left to make as he gets ready to complete his Hot Rod.

Quote from Tim

Sparky: Now, you have an awful lot of options here, Tim.
Tim: Stop right there. I think I know exactly what I want.
Al: Well, Tim you still haven't seen all of your options.
Tim: Once I make a decision, Al, I've made my decision.
Sparky: That's right, Al. When a man sees something, he buys it. That's it. Case closed.
Tim: That's right. Not like a woman buying a purse. "I don't know. Does this go with my house?"
Al: All right. So what color are you going with?
Tim: I'm gonna go with, um... Klaus, a drum roll, please. I'm gonna go with honky.
Sparky: Honky?
Tim: White.
Sparky: Oh, white, white. Yes. I get that. White. Well, now, that's a very bold choice. But tan is very nice.
Tim: No, no. Absolutely positively going with white or beige.
Al: So much for a man being able to make up his mind.


Quote from Tim

Sparky: Well, you have an awful lot of beiges to choose from. Ecru. Now, there's a fun beige, hm?
Tim: Let's not forget eggshell.
Sparky: Oh, I love eggshell. Snappy, snappy, snappy.
Al: Well, what do you think about cashew?
Tim: Al, we're talking about convertible tops, not what you store for the winter.

Quote from Tim

Jill: No, I'm gonna be on television.
Tim: What, did you witness a crime or something?
Jill: No. I'm gonna be on Barbara Canfield's talk show. This particular segment is called Women on Top.
Tim: I rented that once.
Jill: It's about professional women who want it all.
Tim: That's the one.

Quote from Benny

Harry: What are you writing, Benny?
Benny: A birthday note to my mom. How do you spell I.O.U.?

Quote from Marty

Sparky: Oh, Tim, what's it gonna be? The dusty sand or the sandy beach?
Marty: What's going on?
Sparky: We've been all over town fabric shopping.
Tim: For my top.
Marty: I always saw you in a slinky off-the-shoulder number.
Tim: Convertible top for my car, you idiot.

Quote from Benny

Tim: She's on that talk show, Talk to Me. The segment's called Women on Top.
Benny: That was a video, wasn't it?
Barbra Canfield: [on TV] And welcome to Talk to Me. Today's topic is Women on Top. We'll meet women who had it all, gave it up, got it back, and are doing it better than ever.
Benny: Ooh, this looks good.

Quote from Harry

Barbra Canfield: My first question is how did your husbands react when you told them you were going to re-enter the work force? Diane?
Diane: It's amazing. I get a job with one of the top pediatric groups in Detroit and all my husband could say was, "Who's gonna cook for me?"
Harry: [watching on TV] What's wrong with that?

Quote from Marty

Harry: What kind of dirt you got on Jill? She's making you look good.
Benny: Yeah, speaking of looking good, what do you think it would take for me to get a date with the host?
Marty: A miracle not even God could pull off.

Quote from Jill

Barbra Canfield: You know, you're very lucky to have a husband who's made the transition so much easier.
Diane: I wish my experience had been a walk in the park like Jill's.
Jill: Oh, it wasnt exactly...
Barbra Canfield: In a perfect world, I guess we'd all be skipping through life like Jill, right?
Diane: Skippedy-skippedy-do.
Jill: No, wait. I've not been skipping through life. I mean, I've struggled just like the rest of you. Believe me, my husband is far from perfect.
Marty: [watching on TV] Look out. Incoming.

Quote from Marty

Barbra Canfield: It's really wonderful that you can be so empathetic.
Jill: Well, I have to be. I mean, Tim is emotionally off-center right now. He's crying out for help.
Marty: [watching on TV] Hey, you guys hear something? Help! Help!

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