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Dollars and Sense

‘Dollars and Sense’

Season 3, Episode 9 - Aired November 17, 1993

When the boys receive some money from their grandmother, they decide to invest in baseball cards. Meanwhile, Tim and Al visit the guys from K&B on the construction site.

Quote from Brad

Brad: This is way better than a baseball card, because if we bought one of those, all we'd be doing right now is staring at it.
Randy: That's what we are doing, dork.
Brad: Shut up!
Mark: Why can't we play with it?
Randy: Because the guy at the store said we're not supposed to touch it if we want it to be an investment.
Brad: It has to stay in mint condition.
Mark: That stinks.
Randy: I wonder how fast it goes.


Quote from Brad

Randy: Perfect. You can't even tell it was sideswiped by a garbage truck.
Brad: I don't know. The front bumper still looks like it's kinda drooping.
Randy: Mark, put on another piece of gum. Good as new.
Brad: We just need to make sure nobody can see it from the side.
Randy: Did we save Rick Mears' autograph?
Brad: Uh, sort of. It says, "..ick Mea..."
Randy: Let's put it on the mantel and get outta here.

Quote from Tim

Tim: I've been doin' a lot of thinkin'. I should have let the boys buy the baseball cards, but I know why I didn't. I got a child inside of me.
Jill: Really? What month are you in?
Tim: No, honey... I'm just like a big kid. Just because I like Indy cars doesn't mean we should have bought the thing.
Jill: Well, I should have listened to you and just reinvested the bonds.
Tim: This isn't your fault.
Jill: Well, it's not your fault.
Tim: Well, it's somebody's fault.
Both: The boys'.

Quote from Jill

Jill: [on the phone] Wait, wait, wait, they're just walking in right now. Hey, guys, that man from the baseball store's on the phone.
Brad: He is?
Jill: Yeah. He says that he has a guy who collects Indy cars who wants to buy yours. He'll give you $200 for it.
Tim: Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey. That's a $60 profit in a day. Let's go for it.
Randy: We're not interested.
Tim: What?
Jill: They're not interested. I'm s... 300? He'll give you $300.
Tim: 300 shamolies, smackeroonies! 300 bucks? I'll get the car.
Randy: No, no, no, Dad!
Brad: Dad, it's OK. You know, we pass.
Randy: Yeah, we're not selling. Yeah.
Jill: I'm sorry, they pass. What? No. $750?!
Tim: $750?!
Mark: We'll take it.
Brad: No, no, no, no! No. We're not selling.
Randy: Well, yeah, you know, it's not just the money. The car has, uh... sentimental value.
Jill: Well, I'm sorry, yeah, it just doesn't look like there's any way they're gonna sell that car. I mean... Oh, well, OK. Bye-bye. [hangs up] Guys, I'm really proud of you. You made an investment, you believe in it, you're gonna hang on to it.
Tim: I just hope you're not setting yourselves up for a big disappointment. The investment's hot now, but any day it could crash.

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