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Season 8, Episode 2 - Aired September 29, 1998

Randy gets an opportunity to spend a year in Costa Rica with Lauren protecting the environment.

Quote from Tim

Tim: I'm just saying that she's worried, you know? I just wanted you to know that. Just the thought of you moving so far away is eating her up inside.
Randy: If Mom was so worried about this, why did she let me apply to the program in the first place?
Tim: If she knew she was gonna be this worried, I don't think she would've let you apply to the program.
Randy: Why are you telling me this now, Dad? I leave tomorrow.
Tim: I just thought it might be interesting to find out how your mom feels about it, that's all.
Randy: Oh, great. So either miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime or turn my mom into a basket case?
Tim: So you've got options.


Quote from Tim

Jill: Tah-dah! I went to camping stores. The totally mosquito-proof hat. What do you think?
Randy: Mosquito-proof hat. Great. I'll be the only kid in Detroit wearing one.
Jill: What's that supposed to mean?
Randy: You got your wish. I'm not going to Costa Rica.
Jill: Why? Why not?
Randy: Why don't you ask your middleman?
Jill: What just happened here?
Tim: It's okay. It's okay. He'll calm down. Good news is our son is now buying his itching powder right in the US of A.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Let me get this straight. Randy is not going to Costa Rica because you told him that I was worried about spiders and fish.
Tim: And that you were worried about him being so far away. I covered all the bases. You don't need to thank me.
Jill: Thank you?
Tim: Well, you're welcome.

Quote from Tim

Jill: Is Randy back yet?
Tim: No, he's not.
Jill: When he gets back, I'm going to tell him that I'm okay with him going to Costa Rica.
Tim: And you might also tell him that it was me that had the problem with it. I don't want him leaving for a year.
Jill: You were projecting your feelings on me because you're in denial about them. You have all these emotions you want to express to him. You just don't know how to do it.
Tim: Yeah, and if you could just tell him that, you know, I'd call us even.

Quote from Randy

Tim: I laugh with you. Boy, I'm sure gonna miss you.
Randy: Dad, I'm only gonna be gone a year.
Tim: Yeah. Yeah. You can call, you know? You know, and then when you get back we can go on that fly-fishing trip we talked about.
Randy: Yeah. I'd like that.
Tim: You know, it takes a lot of courage to go to a strange country, 2,000 miles away. A lot of kids would be scared to do this.
Randy: Well, to be honest, I am scared. Yeah, I've talked to a lot of people who've been down there, but I don't know what I'm getting in for.
Tim: Yeah. If you got any trouble or any questions, I'm just a phone call away. So fill up those rain pants with quarters, all right?
Randy: Thanks, Dad. [they hug]
Tim: Yeah. Oh, I'm gonna miss you.
Randy: I'm gonna miss you, too.

Quote from Brad

Randy: You, I'm not gonna miss so much.
Brad: Have a good trip, buddy. Save a tree for me, eh?
Randy: You got it.

Quote from Tim

Randy: You know what's weird is that it was my idea to apply to the program in the first place. Now she's going and I'm not.
Jill: Things happen for a reason. I mean, maybe Lauren was just meant to go.
Tim: Yeah. You know how the world works. They always favor the woman.

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