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A Night to Dismember

‘A Night to Dismember’

Season 7, Episode 5 - Aired October 28, 1997

Tim and Jill are freaked out when Mark makes a horror film about his family on Halloween.

Quote from Jill

Jill: You think that there's any chance that Mark really wants to...
Tim: Whack us? I think you got the issues, Jill.
Jill: I know. What am I thinking? He loves us. He's our son. He would never even think of that.
Mark: Ready to die?
Jill: [chuckles] Mark, Mark, Mark. Look. You know, just because it's a horror film doesn't mean everybody has to die. You could make it more upbeat. You know, go another way. Have the freaks dance. Have them do some kind of sing-along.
Mark: You're an actor, not a dancer. Your job is to say the lines.
Tim: OK! Let's die!


Quote from Mark

Mark: Dad, you first.
Tim: Good! Good, good, good, good, good! Gee, thanks, Ronny. You always want a clean surface for a beheading.

Quote from Mark

Jill: Hey, let me look at that blade there. Let me see this.
Tim: All right. Now, I hope you're using hard rubber because that plastic looks so cheesy.
Jill: This is a real blade.
Tim: What? That's a little dangerous, Mark. Come on, now.
Mark: It's only for this shot. I need the light reflecting off the blade.
Tim: Well, what about latex or something?
Mark: Roll camera. And action! [Mark raises the blade]
Jill: Cut!
Tim: Don't cut!
Mark: You ruined my shot.

Quote from Jill

Jill: We are not going back out there until we've had a talk. This movie has us very concerned.
Mark: Why?
Jill: Because it's about a boy named Clark who... who... who thinks his parents favor his brothers. So he, what, gives them a potion and turns them into freaks and kills them.
Tim: Too much information.
Mark: You watched my movie?!
Jill: Yes, we did. I'm sorry. We shouldn't have watched it without your permission. But now that we have, we're very worried about you.
Mark: This bites.

Quote from Mark

Tim: The reason your mom's upset is she thinks that the movie is really about how you feel about us. And if that's true, there's a problem here, Mark.
Mark: It's just a movie.
Jill: Yeah, but in the movie, the lead character feels that his parents favor Chad and Andy.
Tim: And your mom thinks that sounds a tad bit like Brad and Randy.
Jill: And then you put your father on a chopping block and go after him with a real blade.
Mark: You think I wanted to kill you?
Jill: Well, no. Of course not. No. Maybe. I don't know. We don't know what's going on with you lately.
Mark: Nothing's going on. I mean, it's just a movie.

Quote from Tim

Jill: You think he's gonna be all right?
Tim: He's gonna be fine.
Jill: I hope he doesn't continue, you know, shutting us out.
Tim: No. This movie's a good expression for him. It's great. He's talking to us.
Jill: That's true. And he did tell us something about what he's feeling.
Tim: Yes.
Jill: We know he doesn't really want to kill us.
Tim: On the other hand, I wouldn't turn my back on Ronny.
Jill: Oh, no.
[After Ronny comes in and motions for Tim and Jill to come outside, they both walk towards the door. As Jill walks out, Tim closes the door behind her and heads back into the house.]

Quote from Tim

Mark: Cut. Perfect. Just need one more shot.
Jill: Mark, can you take these stockings off our faces? They're kind of hot.
Tim: Sure.
Mark: All right, Ronny. Move the basket a little closer to the cauldron.
Ronny: Yeah.
[Mark and Ronny lift the basket with Tim and Jill's heads]
Tim: I feel so much lighter.
Jill: Yeah, me too. And that pain I was having in my back... gone.

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