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Sadie, Sadie

‘Sadie, Sadie’

Season 2, Episode 1 - Aired October 9, 2001

Before Lorelai even says yes to Max's proposal, Rory and Sookie are keen to start planning a wedding. Meanwhile, Richard interrogates Dean when he joins Rory for Friday dinner.

Quote from Luke

Luke: You're going to have more kids?
Lorelai: Hey, personal.
Luke: I mean, he wants kids, right?
Lorelai: In the world? Yes. He wants kids.
Luke: You haven't talked about that either.
Lorelai: Okay, what we have and haven't discussed is none of your business.
Luke: Joint checking accounts? You do know his last name, don't you?
Lorelai: I want my Popsicle back.
Luke: Fine, it's your business.
Lorelai: Yes, it's my business.


Quote from Luke

Luke: Hey, some people go their entire lives without having these conversations. My parents didn't discuss a thing my entire childhood, worked fine for them. Of course, when my mom died, she hadn't told Dad where the coupon drawer was. Took him 10 years to find it. Used a coffee can the whole time.
Lorelai: Okay.
Luke: I don't care what anyone says. A coupon can is not as good as a coupon drawer.
Lorelai: How are those muffins coming?
Luke: But you know what? You might like a coupon can. You never know. Here you go, two blueberry muffins.
Lorelai: Thank you.
Luke: And congratulations again.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Is everything okay?
Lorelai: Yes, I'm just tied to the emergency brake.
Rory: How did you do that?
Lorelai: You know, with a flourish and a big ending. Okay, I got it. Let's go. Oh, my coat.
Rory: It's pretty warm out for a coat.
Lorelai: Yeah, well, it tends to cool off the minute I get in that house.

Quote from Emily

Emily: You're here. Richard, they're here.
Richard: [o.s.] Wonderful.
Emily: Come in.
Lorelai: No.
Emily: Why?
Lorelai: Because you're scaring Rory.
Rory: Stop that. Get in here. Scaring Rory. You're so silly sometimes. Let's get you a drink. Put your coat down. And are you hungry? I had Antonia make some Roquefort puffs. Antonia, bring the puffs. Come, sit down. Richard.
Richard: [o.s.] Say nothing until I get there.
Emily: Well, hurry up.

Quote from Richard

Richard: I can't wait to tell Telman McCabe about this.
Emily: Oh, Richard.
Richard: Oh, he's always bragging about that simpleton grandson of his.
Emily: William is a lovely boy.
Richard: His head is shaped like a football.
Emily: It is not.
Richard: If he fell asleep in the park, someone would try to punt him.

Quote from Michel

Sookie: Michel, I'm gonna need you to move.
Michel: In a minute.
Sookie: What are you doing?
Michel: I am weighing my turkey.
Sookie: Why?
Michel: A group of scientists did a study on rats where they cut their daily calories by 30%.
Sookie: And you felt left out?
Michel: No, the rats lived 30% longer. And the scientists were so impressed that they cut their own calories just like the rats.
Sookie: It was a very nice display of solidarity.
Michel: I have decided to do the same. I figure if I stay alive long enough these scientists will be able to cure anything, including death... therefore ensuring my indefinite existence.
Sookie: So you're going to live forever? Like on Fame?
Michel: Don't speak to me.

Quote from Sookie

Sookie: Who's catering?
Lorelai: Bobby Flay?
Sookie: Not funny. I'm making the cake also.
Lorelai: Absolutely.
Sookie: I'll start a menu. Something light and romantic to start with. Something that will go wonderful with champagne. Truffles go wonderful with champagne. And scrambled eggs. [sobs]
Lorelai: Sookie? Honey?
Sookie: I know scrambled eggs don't sound very festive, but when you put them in a little quaiI's eggshell with caviar on top, they're quite a crowd-pleaser.
Lorelai: What's with the waterworks, lady?
Sookie: It's just... I don't know. You raised that little girl all alone, and she is so great and you work your butt off here and you go to school and you put up with me. You just really deserve this.
Lorelai: Thank you.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: So, what kind of dress are you thinking of?
Lorelai: The one Stephanie Seymour wore in the Guns N' Roses video.
Rory: What about colors? Did you pick your colors yet?
Lorelai: Yes.
Rory: Really? What?
Lorelai: Spumoni.
Rory: Okay, I am planning this wedding without you. You will have no say, and I may not even let you come.

Quote from Rory

Dean: So, uh, you know, this whole breaking-up thing, we tried it.
Rory: Yeah, we did. Didn't really work for me.
Dean: Me, either.
Rory: Okay, good. So it's decided. Breaking up, not for us.
Dean: I mean, hey, not that it's a bad thing. I'm sure some people like it.
Rory: Oh, sure. Cher, Gregg Allman. I bet they give it a big thumbs-up.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Did you pick out your ring?
Lorelai: Yes. He's going to surprise me with it tomorrow.
Rory: '20s deco?
Lorelai: Supposedly ripped off of Zelda Fitzgerald's cold, dead hand.

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